What's more dangerous - guns or ideas?
Consider the quote below from Pat Robertson:
"But we need now to move into organization. We developed and have developed this fantastic computer model where we can identify all the voters in a particular area. We can give people maps. They can look precisely at who people are by issues. It's very sophisticated and it will get more so. So we can put into your hands weapons that are incredible." Pat Robertson, Sept 13, 1997
Now, if someone who wanted to ban guns made the exact same statement, with the only difference between that they could "look precisely at who people are by gun ownership," Conservatives, Libertarians, and members of the NRA would be horrified by such a statement. And I wouldn't blame them for being so either!
But when a religious nut job like Robertson makes the same statement, those same circles don't care.
That's the problem. Conservatives should be as disturbed by the first statement as Liberals should be of the second.
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