Monotheism is really mono-perceptionism. It is a way of saying one way of looking at the world, and even ourselves, and saying the perspective we have of it all is better than all other possible ways of looking at the world. It is to claim that the ONLY way to interpret what it means to be human is through a Christian lens, even though the 40,000 different versions of Christianity today means even Christians can't agree what the hell that even means, and that any of the infinite number of other possible ways of interpreting what it means to be human are all not only wrong, but a threat to our eternal salvation.
To illustrate this point, consider the story of six blind men and an elephant.
If none of the blind men have any idea what an elephant looks like, and each is offering an interpretation based on touching only one of the different features of the animal, then the one who feels the ear might describe an elephant as being like a giant palm leaf, while another who feels the tusk may describe it as being like a giant spear; a third feels the trunk and says “it is like a giant snake;” a fourth feels its side says “it is like a great wall;” a fifth grasps only one leg and says “it is like a column of the Parthenon,” and the last one feels the tail and concludes it is like a length of rope with a rabbits foot on the end of it. All the descriptions are correct, of course, but only in describing the sole area explored by the individual blind man. Each description is also incorrect whenever it is offered as the sole “infallible” definition of the entire elephant.
What those blind men cannot see (obviously) is how the various parts they have each correctly described all connect to a whole which is greater than, and certainly very different from, any single part. The elephant in this example can be practically anything, of course.
But if there
are two things that people having radically different
perceptions of, it is what we define as reality,
and how we define the word "God.” It only takes one of those six men to
declare their own perception of both of these two ideas to be infallible, and all
the rest heretical, to give birth to a religion in which all must “believe”
that only one of those men can be infallible, for fear that chaos will ensue if
such an authority is not accepted and depended on, regardless of the
overwhelming lack of proof to support such a claim, which is even less than the more overwhelming amount of evidence that such a claim is bogus.
In this sense, monotheism is really just a brand of mono-perception masquerading as a divine license to pretend one brand of perception is
"infallible." Such pretending allows a person to default to always thinking
everyone who disagrees with their own brand of perception is always wrong. Why? Well,
because their own brand of perception is based on "infallible" truth as
revealed to them (through their own branded perception of the word) "God."
Consider also the fact that, if Christianity is true in its current interpretation, only your devotion to believing the brand of perception being sold to you by your institutional church is "infallible" and everyone else's is not only flawed, but in being so, also serves as an alluring and seductive threat to your eternal salvation.
Why do other perceptions of reality seem so alluring to us, according to Christianity? Because we are born with a stain on our souls that predisposes us to preferring any of the infinite number of flawed perceptions of reality to the "infallible" one which requires us to obey a Church, the same Church that preaches moral authority, superiority, and infallibility, even while it worked so hard to protect the pedophiles it knew were operating within its ranks more than the children they preyed on, again and again and again.
Now consider the fact that there are over 40,000 different brands of Christianity today, most of which are based on the belief that our willingness to “believe” our Christian brand of perception will determine whether we are worthy of being saved, or deserve to be tortured for all eternity for daring to use your God given ability to change the channel on the television of perception in our own head from the likes of Oral Roberts, Jerry Falwell, Jim Bakker and Tammy Faye Bakker, and Pat Robertson, or even a Catholic Mass that transforms bread and wine into blood and flesh for members to drink and eat, to watching anything and everything else.
But if God wanted our perception to remain fixed on the Bible channel our whole life, repeating only the same story to ourselves again and again, only ever using our infinite creativity to find reasons for not changing the channel or even trying to improve the station we are forced to watch until we die, then why did he design us with a brain that can only be nourished to grow by feeding its insatiable lust and craving for new ideas and perspectives?
From this perspective, Christianity wants us to believe God created the greatest form of intelligence the universe has yet to produce, and then created a Church through which He could command us to think with the binary perspective of a toaster-oven, by promising us paradise in exchange for our our obedience, and threatening to throw all those who decide to "be all they can be" just by changing the channel and trying something new into an eternal pizza oven.
Or, to put it even more simply, mono-theism is like claiming there is one correct way to see and feel the sun, as proscribed by a religion that taught the earth revolved around the sun, and anyone who disagrees with that claim can expect to spend eternity roasting alive in a hell as fiery as the sun.
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