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The Problem with Christian Mono-Perception

 "I think the task of philosophy is not to provide answers," said Slavoj Zizak, "but to show how the way we perceive a problem can be itself part of a problem." 

With Zizak's observation about the problem of perception in mind, just think about how Christianity requires you to accept you are a born sinner, incapable of fixing the broken soul you are born with, and thus requiring God to forgive you for a condition you are born with, lest that same "loving" God threatens to cast you into a fire pit for all eternity for daring to doubt such claims as "infallibly true."

Think also about how often women who dared to be non-conformists were accused and executed as "witches," or how often others were accused and executed as "heretics," for daring to think outside of the "sacred" box of acceptable "beliefs" being proscribed in one area of the world or another, 

And who is proscribing those "sacred rules"? Men who claimed to have been given both divine revelations, and divine license to be as awful as the God of the Old Testament to ensure that even the most skeptical were tortured into believing the claims of such men - and ONLY such men, regardless of how immoral such men have nearly always been - that they were indeed given such "divine revelations" by God.

And what happens if you did NOT accept that such men were given divine license to torture you into accepting they had been given divine revelations about what is true, and what is 'God's will'?  Well, the God who gave such men their revelations and the license to torture and kill those who doubted them, will torture you for all eternity.

If philosophy is about seeing how the way we perceive a problem is part of the problem, Christianity  and religion in general is often about seeing anyone who perceives a problem different from how our religion requires us to perceive a problem as the real problem. 

As a result, those who claim to drink the blood of a god claim they have the power to see who is a witch and a heretic, which is basically anyone who disagrees with the former's claim they have been given by god the ability to label the latter, and anyone who says otherwise is the real problem, while those being labeled as witches and heretics by such "believers" know that the real problem is exactly what Slavoj Zizak said it was: the inability to see how the way we perceive a problem is part of the problem. 

Monotheism, in short, is really mono-perceptionism masquerading as divine license to pretend we are infallible, and by so pretending, default to always thinking everyone who disagrees with your own perception is always wrong, because your own perceptions are based on "infallible" truth - and only your devotion to believing your ideas are "infallible" will determine whether you are worthy of being saved, or tortured for all eternity for daring to use your God given skepticism on your religion even half as much as you are required to apply that skepticism to every other perspective in the universe. 

What a great plan! 


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