Catholicism is the art of living in an alternate reality in which your "faith" is the only credible evidence needed to justify anything you believe, including the "belief" that genocide is perfectly moral whenever it is done by God or for God by God's "chosen people," and then heartily condemning anyone and everyone else who dares to do the EXACT same thing as evil and/or totally insane, UNLESS they likewise claim to believe such things under the "Catholic" brand name.
Catholics often throw their righteous stones of judgements at people who claim to be transgendered, for example, even though there is far more evidence that supports such a claim, even as they claim to believe they will live forever in heaven and anyone who dares to doubt them and their "infallible" beliefs will be roasted alive for all eternity - just so their "God" can show both the saved and the damned how much he truly loves them.
Is there any evidence to support the Catholic "belief" they deserve eternal reward for accepting such "beliefs" as much as anyone who doubts those beliefs deserves eternal torments just for having their doubts?
Well, for the most part, the only evidence they have is that others who have believed similar insanity have been insane enough to "believe" it was true, so much so they have been only too happy to torture and execute innocent people on the one hand, and die in droves on the other, because such death and suffering - made so sacred and established as so necessary by their 'savior' - is the BEST evidence they have for why they are right, about EVERYTHING!
Of course, the countless numbers of people who have all killed and died in the name of all other "gods" but the Roman Catholic Brand were all wrong, and are mostly likely being roasted alive in hell for all eternity so God could show them the error of their ways, while everyone who did the EXACT same thing FOR Catholicism is basking in all of the pleasures of paradise, which include a front row seat to watching everyone who dared to doubt them back on earth suffer as they scream and gnash their teeth in the Auschwitz oven God keeps burning called hell.
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