I have said before that, if nature comes from God, then religion comes from the devil. In fact, you could even say that the greatest devil in all of Christianity is God himself, which is the truth, even though every Christian thinks the God they worship is as perfect as they hope one day to be, once they die and are rewarded for pretending to know "God's will" better than everyone else, and all by interpreting a book that said exactly the opposite of what all Christians today think it says. For the Bible is not a story about a man named Jesus who just also happened to be a God, but about how man is treated by his Gods, for daring to question their wisdom and benevolence. It is not the story of a man who was a god, but a man who dared to question those who claimed to "believe" their religion came from God. Jesus is simply the plagiarized story of Socrates, and sold as the ultimate story of religion, rather than of philosophy. And as the former has only eve...