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Showing posts from June, 2019

The Circle of Nature & The Square of Religion

I have said before that, if nature comes from God, then religion comes from the devil. In fact, you could even say that the greatest devil in all of Christianity is God himself, which is the truth, even though every Christian thinks the God they worship is as perfect as they hope one day to be, once they die and are rewarded for pretending to know "God's will" better than everyone else, and all by interpreting a book that said exactly the opposite of what all Christians today think it says. For the Bible is not a story about a man named Jesus who just also happened to be a God, but about how man is treated by his Gods, for daring to question their wisdom and benevolence.  It is not the story of a man who was a god, but a man who dared to question those who claimed to "believe" their religion came from God. Jesus is simply the plagiarized story of Socrates, and sold as the ultimate story of religion, rather than of philosophy.  And as the former has only eve...

Only An Atheist can Know 'God"

The trouble with Christianity in general is that it offers a childlike definition of the word "God," one that an ever increasing number of people in the world have simply outgrown, and mostly because the world itself, and all of its problems, have likewise outgrown so small a definition as the one offered by Christianity.  In fact, the only people today who depend the most upon the definition of God that Christianity sells like a brand, are the ruling class.  In truth, however, religion simply refuses to admit that the definition of "God" it has always offered people is infinitely smaller that whatever such a word would necessarily mean. That's why an atheist is the only one who can even begin to offer a definition that could come closet to what such a word would have to mean, if such a thing as a "God" exists at all. 
Truth has always been the enemy of power because it has always been the opposite of conformity, tradition, and the status quo.

heroin of the holy

The trouble with religion - besides the fact that it tends to act like a Metastasizing mind cancer for creative thinking that dares to break with the peer pressure of tradition - is that it often understands nature in the very opposite way from how nature actually works, and it does this by imaging an ideal person - be it Jesus, or God - which is really simply a God-size version of themselves and their own ideas, who constantly confirms for them that He dislikes all the same people and things that they do, and for the same reasons.  Jesus is considered a separate person from the "believer, " of course, and through this split personality disorder, the person imagines that their godlike-ideal-human is confirming whatever dislikes and fears of others a person may have, through a kind of spiritual radio in their head, that was turned on when we decided to "believe."  And they decided to believe, because pressing that lever in their brain released the euphoria o...

the village idiot

The difference between religion and a culture of consumerism is that one nails a person's mind to the cross of an ideal, and keeps it hypnotized with "a happily ever after" love story about God - one filled with death, danger, betrayal and intrigue, eternal punishment and reward, sacrifice; and all of it in the name of love, at least according to the God who is said to have written it and stranded us all here to begin with - and the other eats us alive. The similarity is that both put us in debt, one to a God - or in practice, a "belief system" based on the love and authority of a single concept of what countless different people throughout human existence may mean by the word "God": a word we use to describe an infinity abstract ideal that vaguely seems to resemble ourselves and especially our ideas, that everyone admits no one can clearly define, just as much as they all "humbly" admit God is impossible to fully understand, but th...
The cruel horrors of burning forever in hell seem almost like a blessing compared to the cruel horrors humanity has  always imposed upon itself in the pursuit of pleasing one God or another, in order to reach one heaven or another. If humanity was a single person, different cultures would be like different personalities, with religion being a particularly rigid personality compared to all the others, then it’s as if our wars are like humanity cutting itself, and always because our religious personality tells us we are unworthy of love and deserving of punishment, in the form of a story we keep telling ourselves about how we crucified our God for which we all deserve to rot in hell. And the same religion, or personality of ours, that convinces us we deserve hell for killing Christ, promises us that only the same God we murdered can forgives us, but only as long as we remain completely emotionally dependent upon him for our entire life, or more specifically his demonstrably ...

The Greatest American God

In a sense, religion teaches people that reality is a form of hypnosis, designed to lure people into hell with all the temptations of being human, and that a super-reality exists that defines for us how we should behave in this reality, and all because in this reality, if people were unshackled from the eternal threat of divine retribution and allowed to do whatever they wanted, we would not act like animals - who's lack of a need to show their status to others by accumulating more money than they could ever spend in a thousands lifetimes, leads those different species to all follow a law of the jungle that is by far more civilized than anything religion or society has ever offered - but like demons straight out of the Christian hell.    Because the Christian believes that everyone acting like demons without a belief in God - even though Pascal pointed out that " Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction " - is the ...

The Exorcist: An Atheist Perspective (Updated)

-  PART I - THE MOVIE AS A LESSON FOR ATHEISTS We do not see things as they are. We see things as we are. Anaïs Nin The Brain – Manufacturing Our Micro Morality Comprised of two hemispheres, the brain is connected internally by, and communicates through, something called the corpus callosum. Externally, these hemispheres are covered by a sheet of neural tissue called the cerebral cortex. While the right hemisphere of the cortex excels at nonverbal and spatial tasks, the left hemisphere is usually more dominant in verbal tasks such as speaking and writing. The left hemisphere is also considered analytic or logical and thinks in terms of the future and the past, while the right hemisphere is considered holistic or intuitive, and thinks in terms of right now.  The two hemispheres of our brain work together to fashion a coherent story of the things we perceive. Our speaking left brain constructs an explanatory reason for the things our right brain percei...