The Bible tells us that we are all natural born original-sinners, as if the only way to teach a child anything is by first convincing them that they are a natural born idiot, ones who’s entire intelligence depends upon, and comes exclusively from, their educational institutions. Theistic religion was the first of these educational institutions, of course, Christianity being but a single species most like the chameleon with its ability to devour its’ prey like a lion by calling itself "the lamb of God."
And it is to these institutions that the “natural born idiots” must forever depend for their understanding of everything they were taught, through the mandatory indoctrination programs that end with high school, in which the principal should be seen as the pope, and each of our teachers seen as saints; and all of whom possess the same various degrees of divine and infallible "truth" as the authors of the worlds first text book ever written for such indoctrination, which today is venerated around the world as the "Holy Bible."
And to medicate ourselves for the self-hatred such a text book teaches us to practice like a religion, we seek the different entertainments or wallow in the distractions provided by our consumerism, both of which have the same effect as the Bible, and like the Bible are used to control a population through its addictions, especially to sex, violence, money, fame, drugs, and God; of which our gods are by far the strongest drugs of all.
This, then, is how the operating system of our culture is not only designed to turn us all into emotionally stunted adolescents, who wholly depend upon the God of religion most of all, but to champion all of the things that Christianity condemns as vices, while at the same time treating the all out pursuit of those vices as the highest social and economic virtues, and simply because the god of profit - the most powerful of all man-made gods - has said "let it be so."
God is like Thorazine, one we are taught to self-administer by reading our Bibles individually, and then collectively at least once a week (which is mandatory), in order to trigger our endorphins from the ecstasy of knowing we are right because we believe we are, and knowing that anyone who disagrees with us is wrong, because the first belief is so self-evident that even a natural born idiot would believe it.
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