Our world is but a reflection of our minds. And madness anywhere in the one, is only an echo from the other. The “believer’s” antidote for this and all other human failings is to drink the blood of a god who was killed by those “believers,” from whom his own beliefs derive all of their earthly legitimacy, as a blaspheming liar when he tried to reveal to them who he was and why he came - which was to save them from himself and his divine wrath, for failing to believe him.
They call the ability to rationalize all of that into a religion “the gift of faith,” which is a gift that comes from the very same God who was put to death by “believers” from whom this very same gift was necessarily withheld, either because God chose not to give it to them, in accordance with His “divine plan” (however unhappy Jesus would be about it) or because he simply forgot to.
They call the ability to rationalize all of that into a religion “the gift of faith,” which is a gift that comes from the very same God who was put to death by “believers” from whom this very same gift was necessarily withheld, either because God chose not to give it to them, in accordance with His “divine plan” (however unhappy Jesus would be about it) or because he simply forgot to.
As this intellectual tail-chasing helps to illustrate, our minds are incapable of distinguishing the difference between magic and miracles; love and hate; truth and beliefs; reality and technology; fact and fiction; intelligence and ignorance; let alone understanding other people's minds, including those closest to us like friends and family; although we often like to think we understand them much more than they understand us, even though the mind we often understand perhaps least of all, is our own).
Add to all of this the fact that even the Bible, that "inerrant word" of the very God who it claims created us all, assures humanity that it will never truly understand anything nearly half as much as it likes to think it does.
But despite all of this, and so much more, the "believer" knows they know God, despite that God having an intelligence and a nature infinitely greater and more different than their own, and for the simple infallible reason that they choose to "believe" they do ...
and nothing more.
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