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heroin of the holy

The trouble with religion - besides the fact that it tends to act like a Metastasizing mind cancer for creative thinking that dares to break with the peer pressure of tradition - is that it often understands nature in the very opposite way from how nature actually works, and it does this by imaging an ideal person - be it Jesus, or God - which is really simply a God-size version of themselves and their own ideas, who constantly confirms for them that He dislikes all the same people and things that they do, and for the same reasons.

 Jesus is considered a separate person from the "believer, " of course, and through this split personality disorder, the person imagines that their godlike-ideal-human is confirming whatever dislikes and fears of others a person may have, through a kind of spiritual radio in their head, that was turned on when we decided to "believe." 

And they decided to believe, because pressing that lever in their brain released the euphoria of endorphins that would lead people to even die for the drug of the God they say we are all responsible for killing, especially since through their death they will be hailed, not as a drug addict, but a hero, a saint, and a martyr.   
The likewise chose to believe in the antithesis of Jesus, whom they call "Satan" or "Lucifer" or what have you, which gives them a bogeyman who titillates their fears, even though the person they must fear the most is God, for only he has the ability to torture us forever, while the devil can only torture us while we're alive. 

Jesus or God, the more you think about it as such, looks increasingly more like simply a bundle of self-contradicting "beliefs" that make no sense, that a "believer" claims they are completely dependent upon to give them meaning and define their identity, despite the fact it may make no sense if you overthink it. They believe this, because if the Christianity they've all bought into as "true" were in fact untrue, they fear they would be incapable of dealing with the ultimate meaningless of life.  Life, as they see it, has no meaning in and of itself, without God.

And why? Because they feel they are incapable of designing a meaning worth living for for themselves, especially if there is no heaven, where we can hope to enjoy the pleasure of hearing ourselves talk echo across eternity (which seems more like hell to me).

It would also mean they were duped, which they all know is impossible, because Jesus loves them - plain and simple.

Hence, the "believer" needs to believe in their story to be able to face reality, because without it, Earth would feel a lot like hell to them. In fact, they even describe their hell as "a place without God," which is exactly what Earth would feel like for them without their "beliefs" about God.   

But with those beliefs, they can get high on the heroin of the holy ghost, and even publicly applauded for doing so in their church, or alone through the syringe of the sacred scriptures. In practical terms a church is where people gather collectively once a week to applaud themselves for what they believe, despite any growing amount of evidence to the contrary, which they mostly just ignore anyway.

Since there is no physical evidence for the existence of a God or a heaven or a hell, a religious "belief" in such things can rightly be called a fantasy, which is defined as "the faculty or activity of imagining things, especially things that are impossible or improbable," which is pretty much exactly what religion often claims to be, Christians just use the word "faith. From the atheist perspective, however, "fantasy" and "faith" are basically synonymous.

On the flip side of this "faith," is the fact that if the Christian God and the Christian devil actually existed, especially if they actually exist in the very way Christians claim, then witches, vampires, and demonic possession would all necessarily be not only possible, but incredibly probable as well.   But there are few Christians today who believe in God and the devil, who believe that witches and vampires, like those in the movies, are absolutely real! If the Bible is true, in other words, and the Christian conception of the devil are true, then so are the Twilight movies! (God forbid!)

  In practical terms, the service they most often reenact to affirm their "faith"or "fantasy," which they try to do at least once a week, is the collective drinking of blood of a "savior," for whose murder they believe all of humanity is happily responsible (because if we hadn't killed him, we'd all be going to hell; because the only way anyone has even a chance of getting through the door of heaven was by all of us nailing Jesus to it. That not only sounds like the only way to deal with a bully, it's even more than MS-13 requires to become a member!).

It just so happens that Jesus had to die, so He could forgive the sinners who crucified Him for His murder, and simply because He dared to be who he really was, while at the same time preventing his murderers from seeing that he was really the son of God, so they would all make the mistake of "believing" their religion instead, which declared he was in league with the devil. All religions work this way, of course, and Christianity perhaps best of all.

Christianity, in other words, is simply the most successful religion at crucifying christs in the last 2000 years, even while it only convinces Christians that they condemn and thus crucify with their Bible-based judgementalism, is an act of defending God - because the most powerful being in the universe needs people to defend itself, even if they have to all kill each other in the process.    

You see, God prevented them from seeing who Jesus was, by blinding them with their own "religious beliefs," which taught them all they already "knew" who God was, and He certainly wasn't the son of a carpenter from a little know-nothing town, who dares to challenge the authority of the institutional church,  with the Sanhedrin being the equivalent of today's Catholic bishops.  

So, when the real "God" showed up - for Christians, this means Jesus - and "he" turned out to be the very opposite of what religious people's "beliefs" about God actually were, they had to choose between their "beliefs," in the God  of the O.T. who acted like Barabbas, and the reality of who their God really was, which was the opposite of that.

 So, greatly preferring their "beliefs" about God over the reality of god, even to the point where they are willing to kill their God when they finally meet him in defense of their sacred "beliefs," they choose their beliefs, and crucified the man who challenged them.  And the only reason they did all of this, is because God, the father, had withheld from them the "gift of faith" that they required to see the difference, and thus see who Jesus really was, which was a gift that God had to have given to the apostles, for example.

And God did all of this, as part of his "divine plan," just so they could see that the religious beliefs they had about God, the ones they had no doubt grown up with, are always the very opposite of the "truth," and that those who cling desperately to the one, and always out of fear masquerading as love, are always responsible for using it to crucify the other.   



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