Should we aspire to be whoever or whatever we want to be, or to conform to a mold largely shaped by our parents, or on a larger scale, even the culture we inhabit? Some people honor their parents by dutifully and obediently subscribing to their parent's points of view, especially about religion. However different their own point of view may be from that of their parents in the particulars of that religion, many people are nevertheless taught to "honor their parents" by continuing the family tradition of being one religion or another, be it Jewish, Christian, Hindu, Conservative, Socialist, and so on. But the real way to honor one's parents, and indeed the only way to honor any parent, is by learning to how to shed such points of view so one can think more critically for oneself. For it is only by doing so that a person can ever achieve any true sense of independence, by being nimble enough in their minds to avoid the snares of charlatans selling the sn...