No crown of thorns torments the human mind on the whole more than the one shaped by the hands of religion from the prickly bush of uncriticised beliefs. And none work so "fully and so joyfully," as Pascal pointed out, to press that crown down upon the brow of humanity more than those who boast of their Christianity.
The only cross upon which humanity has only ever repeatedly crucified itself, and always and everywhere for the glory of its Gods and its altogether false "beliefs," is the one built like that instrument of torture and death upon which religious fanatics crucified their own god, and always from the dead words of sadists and psychopaths, who today are glorified and worshiped around the world as saints.
Indeed, religion seduces the soul into nailing itself to a belief in a "truth" that every atom in the universe only testifies to be a forgery and lie.
Indeed, religion seduces the soul into nailing itself to a belief in a "truth" that every atom in the universe only testifies to be a forgery and lie.
For when any idea is valued more than those who have them, even if the idea was spoken to humanity by God himself, it becomes nothing more than a cancerous evil that is more dangerous to eternity than any army of demons any God could ever hope to create.
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