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Why "God" is a False Idol

 Human beings are at least as incapable of understanding "God" - a mere word that stands as a verbal symbol for an infinite abstraction - as an amoeba is in understanding human beings, an atom is in understanding the multiverse, or a light bulb is in understanding human consciousness.  "God," after all, is not a thing, for such a word denotes a purely immaterial "being," but purely an idea - and nothing more!

The Everest size hubris of "Christian humility" allows the "believer" to deny that any of this is true, of course. As such, even such an obvious and undeniable truth as this, is completely incapable of stopping "believers" from asserting their right to claim to understand such an infinite abstraction anyway,  and with more certainty than everyone else on the planet and even throughout history. And they do this, just so they can use Jesus as the yardstick by which to measure everything and everyone, even though that yardstick is infinitely long and entirely arbitrary, and the only way the "believer" uses it to measure anyone is to beat them over the head with it.

And all those who eventually become "believers" in turn, as a result, are simply people who not only came to enjoy being beaten with that yardstick, but came to look forward to using that same yardstick to beat anyone who disagrees with them about their ideas about God. 

Hence, it is as impossible for a "believer" to "love" such a God as it is impossible for that same "believer" to actually understand or "know" such a God. What the "believer" falls in love with, therefore, is nothing more than their idea of what they think the word "God" means. Yet given the limitations of human knowledge and understanding, limits which are only compounded by the fact that the human mind is not only mostly irrational but also incapable of even perceiving the true depth and complexity of the nature of reality itself, the "God" that humans worship and "love" - as they are commanded to do so, not by "God" but by those who claim to speak for "him" - is a false idol. 

The difference between an atheist and a "believer," as such, is simply that the former has basically fallen out of love with the idea of what "God" - especially a particular brand of that word - means. 

This is no different than how love itself works toward anyone. When we meet someone that causes the surge of the love endorphins in our brain, for example, we often then construct an idea of who we think that person is, based on the euphoric high we are enjoying from the thoughts we are mostly manufacturing out of thin air. But by the time two people are battling through an ugly divorce, those ideas have been replaced with their very opposite, and both are often left wondering how they could've been so foolish or deceived to not have noticed how awful that same person was in the beginning.   

Some people, like Albert Einstein for example, outwardly reject the childlike simplicity with which that word is defined by Christianity, Judaism and Islam. For them, the definitions offered by these "religions" are far too myopic. Those religions offer definitions of that word that they all equally claim are "infinite," even though such definitions are only infinite in the most narrow sense of the word "infinite."

Hence, for the Christian, "God" is only as infinite as the number "1". That is, in the same way that the number "1" can be infinite in decimal form, from 1.0 to 1.infinity, so the God of Christianity is simply the number "1" with an infinite number of permutations, even though the infinite nature of every number, even when multiplied by the infinite number of all numbers, would still only amount to the equivalent of a single atom in an infinite number of universes comprised of an infinite number of atoms.

Hence, the Christian does not worship "God," but the false idol of their own ideas about what that word means, and their own Godlike power to pretend to know who or what "God" is, just so they can pretend they are more righteous than everyone on the planet. Such hubris masquerading as humility makes the devil look like Mother Theresa by comparison.  

Praise be to God, that is, the mind of the Christian, for that is the only thing they "know," even though they don't know that that i only thing they are actually worshiping - and nothing more. 


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