Given the nature of human complexity, which is only exponentially compounded by our interaction with different and ever evolving complex environments, it is much more likely that the devil created monotheism for the express purpose of driving humanity to slaughter each other over it and its derivatives - as we have done so joyfully and rapaciously in the distant past for Yahweh, Jesus, or Allah, and done for the derivative religions of nationalism and economics more recently - than that "we were made in the image and likeness" of a wholly immaterial "intelligence" (which is like a cow believing it was made in the image and likeness of a fart in the wind) which was clever enough to create the universe from nothing, but when confronted with the problem of taming a humanity that had been programmed by nature itself to slaughter each other over its religions, the best idea that "intelligence" could come up with was to issue a list of "commandments," and threaten anyone who refuses to obey them with eternal pain and agony - even though no one ignores those commandments more than those who ignore them for the sole purpose of defending their religious "beliefs" about the nature of such an intelligence.
Most people don't realize that the Supreme Court has been in the hands of the Republican party since at least 1970! In fact, even in the landmark case of Roe v Wade that legalized abortion, SCOTUS was inhabited by 6 Republicans and 3 Democrats, and the vote was 7 to 2. One of the reasons is that the Republican Party has absolutely ZERO desire to win on the abortion issue. And that's because abortion gives the GOP a clear focal point with potentially unlimited organizing power. And it's an even simpler message to sell than religion, since we are "pro-life." (if that was true, however, they wouldn't be actively trying to repeal healthcare for up to 30 million Americans, nor would they be so pro-gun, pro-war, pro-death penalty, pro welfare cuts, pro- social security cuts, pro- drone strikes, etc). The Republican party officially became "pro-life" in 1976, thanks to Jesse Helms (R-NC). The only reason no serious challenge was brought within the pa...
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