Christianity is a religion that promises to save you from eternal torments in the afterlife if you simply sacrifice your own happiness here on earth, in order to love God.
God, in other words, doesn't want you to be happy, unless your happiness is entirely dependent upon Him, and nothing else.
This is God's divine will, apparently.
In practical terms, this means that God wants you to be forever dependent upon a Christian church somewhere. God, as such, is a true capitalist, for He ensured that He was just enough out of reach of every single person on the planet so that everyone would necessarily need to depend upon one church/religion or another, in order to save themselves from being burned forever in hell.
And for faithfully living a life that is wholly dependent upon God - that is, upon some Christian pastor or priest who alone is authorized to speak for that "God - and for likewise raising their children to also be wholly and emotionally dependent upon such people - even if they rape your own children, repeatedly - the Christian expects to be locked inside of a church for an eternity of Sunday services.
Hell, in contrast, seems like a holiday.
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