It makes no difference in what state a complex is formed whether in every-day life, in sleep, trance, dissociated personality, subconscious states, or hypnosis—they are or may be equally firmly organized and conserved, and they are Conserved, whether we can voluntarily recall the experiences or not. Whether they are to be come organized depends upon the mode and conditions under which “the impression is made upon the mind or nervous system, but, once organized, they are conserved and become a part of our personality.”
Henry S. Munro, M.D. Handbook of Suggestive Therapeutics
Applied Hypnotism Psychic Science , 1917.
This is the story of how the terrorism of a mother's love, in this case the "love" of the Virgin Mary for mankind, is no less cruel and traumatizing than 9/11. And I speak of this abuse because it was not only rampant in my family growing up, but because not speaking about it in order to keep the peace in my family - which I did for decades - is part of the trauma response of such abuse, the same way children and the parents of children molested by Catholic priests did not talk about such sexual abuse in order to "keep the peace" within their own families and religious congregations as well. Doing this, however, not only disrespects your own boundaries and experiences and therefore your own personal truth, it also enables such abuse to metastasize while forcing us to alienate us from our own emotions.
This then is not a story
of parental abuse or accusations, since my parents were merely doing
the best they could with what information they had been given by the
Roman Catholic Church (RCC), but of the Catholic Church's direct
responsibility for its psychological and emotional abuse. That abuse
comes from the RCCs continual promotion of beliefs in both Marion
apparitions and the apocalyptic visions such apparitions have always
been used to promote as perfectly righteous and necessary to appease the
blood-lust of the brand of God the RCC sells to its parishioners.
One of my brothers, who later became a Catholic priest selling to parents such emotionally toxic ideas, and one of my sisters who tried to indoctrinate her own children with such poison, claim to have "seen" the Virgin Mary descending from the clouds (as if heaven is a place in the clouds) in Conyers, Georgia back in the early 1990s. Both are adamantly convinced that their "apparition" was infallibility true, even as they equally insist that every other person's experience of the same sort of "apparition" concerning any other figure other than Mary, is always false. And when either of them are asked to explain why they feel so "infallible" in claiming their experience is true and others are not, they simply explain that they have "faith" that this is the case. And how can you argue with that, right?
is an actual photograph of what my brother and sister insist they saw,
and also insist was 100% real. Dare to doubt them and they begin
flailing about like Reagan MacNeil reacting to the belief she'd been
sprinkled with holy water in "The Exorcist." Notice that the image looks
exactly like the little lawn statues Catholics put in their gardens,
several of which we kept in our home and in both the front and back
yard. This no doubt contributed to how my siblings were so keen to know
exactly who and what it was floating out of the sky that day. Notice too
that the image reflects a woman more of European heritage far more than
that of a woman from the Middle East. Why her robes are not flowing,
looking instead like they are made out of solid plaster like those lawn
statues, never bothers my siblings or any other "believers" in the
Their claims were the result of a father who had
seduced with beliefs that the end of the world was near, because Mary
was said to be appearing around the world, from Japan to Europe to North
and South America. Once Dad heard Mary was appearing in Conyers, he
jumped at the chance to prove that all of his decisions in life were
about to be vindicated, rented a van, and carted as many of his children
down to the farm where the appearances where alleged to be taking place
as were willing to go along for the ride. My mother and I opted not to
go, with my Mom, and ardent Catholic to her dying day, telling my
father, "if Mary has something to tell me, she knows where I live." And
my two siblings, who likewise jumped at the chance to see what my father
had lived his whole life so obsessed over, have been addicted to their
"belief" that God revealed to them - and them alone, not my Dad or
anyone else in our
family - the Mother of God, in order to convince them they were special,
at least in God's eyes anyway (or maybe just my Dad's).
was the quote from Henry S. Munro above that led me to think about
claims made by Catholics that the Virgin Mary, the mother of Jesus, was
appearing around the world, and how such claims, which are always about
the "faithful" being saved from her apocalyptic predictions about God's
coming "righteous" wrath, have impacted people - including my own family
- just like any other form of terrorism. She's apparently been doing
this for roughly a thousand years or so, even though the story of
Lazarus and the rich man illustrated that God would never send
messengers because, as Lazarus tells the rich man who asked him to visit
his family to warn them of the hell that awaits them (ya know, like
Ebeneezer Scrooge and those three ghosts of Christmas), "they have the
prophets to teach them that." Nor does it explain why such "believers"
are always looking for such "evidence" to support their "faith" which
they claim needs to evidence in the first place.
claims raises the question of not only whether any of these claims may
be in anyway true, but even if they are, why the hell she keeps showing
up, like Elvis or a Yeti or a chupacabra, but never to everyone she
claims her apparitions are directly intended to save from such an
apocalypse. Or does she only care to save those who obediently "believe"
in the brand of Christianity she is acting like a door-to-door salesmen
for, and to hell with everyone else? Those who believe such apparitions
are real, the vast majority of whom did not have first hand experiences
with such apparitions, then expect that believers in others religions
or none at all must accept them as true as well, or suffer the
consequences of failing to do so - just like the inhabitants of Sodom
and Gomorrah
Think about that. This is like calling a doctor that will speak, never to you directly, but only through your neighbor, or in the case of spiritual diseases, only through a priest. And whenever you ask the neighbor why the doctor refuses to speak with you directly, they reply "It's a mystery, for sure! But that doesn't mean I'm wrong when I tell you he did, and if you want to survive, in this life and the next, you'll believe that as much as I do!"
As Bertrand Russell pointed out, however, "From a scientific point of view, we can make no distinction between the man who eats little and sees heaven and the man who drinks much and sees snakes. Each is in an abnormal physical condition, and therefore has abnormal perceptions. Normal perceptions, since they have to be useful in the struggle for life, must have some correspondence with fact; but in abnormal perceptions there is no reason to expect such correspondence, and their testimony, therefore, cannot outweigh that of normal perception." Religion and Science (New York: Oxford University Press), p. 188.
So what are Marian apparitions? According to Wikipedia,
A Marian apparition is a reported supernatural appearance by Mary the mother of Jesus, or a series of related such appearances during a period of time. In 2007, experts in such apparitions presented the Dictionary of Apparitions of the Virgin Mary, a 1,600-page listing more than 2,400 claims of people who alleged to have seen Mary over the centuries, as well as the consequences of such announcements. Only 15 of these have been officially recognized by the Roman Catholic Church.
Believers consider such apparitions to be real and objective interventions of divine power, rather than subjective experiences generated by the perceiving individuals, even in cases where the apparition is reportedly seen by only some, not all, of the people present at the event's location.
Marian apparitions are considered by believers to be expressions of Mary's ongoing motherly care for the church. The understood purpose of each apparition is to draw attention to some aspect of the Christian message, given the needs of a particular time and place. Apparitions are often accompanied by other alleged supernatural phenomena, such as medical cures. However, such miraculous events are not considered the purpose of Marian apparitions, but are alleged to exist primarily to validate and draw attention to the message. (But again, this is always done in the most indirect way possible, even though the Bible illustrates that God was much more willing to interact with humanity more directly on the whole prior to Jesus, and is now only talking to some of humanity, who are often fighting about he said and she said.This raises the question, of course, of how did they recognize what and who they saw as Mary, the Mother of Christ, having never met her? Surely she didn’t sit for a portrait to be painted of her that still exists to this day, as if the little statues people have on their lawns is as infallible in its depiction of what Mary looked like and wore (which she apparently wore every single day of her entire life) as the Christian believes their Bible is inerrant and their interpretation of that Bible is "infallible."
How do people who see such a vision, who are
always Catholic to begin with (which is necessary because other
Christian faiths do not venerate her nearly as much as Catholics do, who see
her as a co-mediatrix with Jesus, for all "grace" flows through her) so
automatically know it was Mary, and not Isis, Aphrodite, Cleopatra, or
even Mary Magdalene?
As one woman wrote online of growing up with such experiences, "Yes, I was terrified of all of that stuff and, of course, all the end-of-times horror. When I think back to how young I was it boggles my mind. I was expected to be able to handle that shit at ten years old? But I didn’t have to worry if I didn’t sin, so no problem! Except EVERY FUCKING THING was a sin. And I knew god didn’t always protect his followers. I’d seen the artwork of the martyrs and the news and knew that Christians were thrown to lions. I knew I had no guarantees and that it was up to god’s divine plan, and that plan looked incredibly fucked up to me. I used to pray, “And please let your will for me not be murder or rape. Please don’t want that for me.”
I had a similar experience with such claims, which my father and then my family became completely addicted to. After all, Jesus's suffering and death only proved that God preferred to see the suffering of innocence more than the suffering of the guilty, which was merely a Christian spin on the ancient traditions of sacrificing virgins to the God, with Jesus being said to have been born of a virgin.
Why are both of my siblings so convinced that Mary revealed herself to them and them alone in our family? Well, maybe because such a "belief" allows them to also "believe" they've been given by God the same kind of "divine revelation" and "special knowledge" that God gave to prophets and saints in the Old Testament and the New. Of course, the only explanation they have for "why did God show only you such knowledge and no one else, especially if the whole point was to save everyone from the fires of hell? Doing so means everyone has to simply trust that your own powers of discernment are more "infallible" than every other people who has ever lived! How does that make sense?" is "I don't know, it's a mystery but you damn well better believe it as much as I do or they'll be hell to pay!"
they say this, even though they admit they would never accept such
testimony as proof of the reality of Isis or Aphrodite, and then insist
they are not using a double standard - which is the real miracle that
such apparitions produce.
As a user named Kvartar pointed out of such apparitions: "I was fascinated with them in my tweens so I read books on Lourdes,
Fatima and Medjugorje. The most disturbing part for me was the supposed
message. Specifically, my children, hurt and sacrifice because Jesus is
very offended. Also, they supposedly saw visions of hell and purgatory
as the punishment for sins. I was terrified I would see the devil as
those kids."
Consider the Fatima example. In both Catholic churches and Catholic schools, children are taught this apparition was as real as their God. And of course children believe this just as readily as they believe in Santa Clause and the tooth fairy and monsters in the closet or under the bed.
It happened in Fatima, Portugal, a highly Catholic city at the
time, in 1917. But not to everyone, like Jesus did when he came to
Jerusalem, but to only three children, in the mountains or in a field or
something. As another person online expressed about being taught such
an idea to be "true":
"And we believed it or I did until I read years later that the oldest child had asked Mary what happened to her brother Francisco who had died at seven.
Mary told her Francisco was in purgatory atoning for his sins.
Seven years old.
For his sins.
And the Catholic Church wonders why no one believes the fairy tales they tell."
Joe Nickell points out in "The Real Secrets of Fatima"
to understand those apparitions requires first understanding something
about those claiming they were having them. At Fatima, Mary appeared to 9 year-old Francisco, his 7-year-old sister, Jacinta and their 10 year-old cousin Lucia.But
why show up to children, and only three children at that, rather than
anyone else? This is like God warning Mary and Joseph about the coming
"Massacre of the Innocent" because King Herod feared a baby named Jesus,
but never telling anyone else, let alone stopping Herod from exercising
his "free will" to do so by giving him a heart attack or irritable
bowel syndrome or even just low-self esteem or courage not to be so
afraid. As Nickell explains:
"Those who believe in the Fatima
“miracle” also cite certain predictions the apparition allegedly made to
Lucia, one being that Jacinta and Francisco would soon die. Both did
soon succumb to influenza: Francisco in 1919 and Jacinta the following
year. However, Zimdars- Swartz observes, “much of what devotees today
accept as the content of the apparition comes from four memoirs written
by Lucia in the convent [where she later resided] between 1935 and 1941,
many years after the series of
experiences that constitute the apparition event” (Zimdars-Swartz 1991, 68).
Indeed, Lucia recorded her first “prediction” of the children’s deaths in 1927—several years after the fact! As to the other predictions, they were supposedly part of three secrets that had been delivered to Lucia by the apparition on July 13, 1917 (Gruner1997, 290–291). Lucia’s Third Memoir gave the first secret as a vision of hell.
The second
secret was a statement that World War I would end, “but if people do not
cease offending God, a worse one will break out during the pontificate
of Pius XI” (who was pope from 1922 to 1939).
However, since the
Third Memoir was penned in August 1941, the so-called predictions were
actually written after the fact (Zimdars-Swartz 1991, 198–199)."
Notice however the effect of such predictions being made AFTER the fact have on those who feel they are right to "believe" they truly came before? It colors the horrors of the events that followed, in this case World War II, as being God's righteous punishment for our refusal to "cease offending God."
From Fatima to Medjugorje to Conyers, Georgia
Conte then gives some examples:
The following messages of Nancy Fowler are supposedly from Jesus:
Message 110: “My children are all mixed up. The evil one has deceived
them about love. He gives them a false love and impure love. He lures
them like a fish with bait. When they are on his hook, they can't
escape. They do not have freedom....The Evil One counterfeits
everything. He fishes and traps men with fancy bait, and then they are
hooked. He is the master of deception. He excels in pride and hatred. He
glorifies only himself.... In the days ahead many will fall in My
Church and they will remain down because they will not come to Me for
Notice that this message sounds more like Satan boasting, than like
Jesus teaching. Compare this text to the Gospel and see that the two are
very different. Notice the hopelessness in this message, despite some
token expressions of being able to be saved by Christ, the main message
appears to be how powerful Satan is and how many are lost to him. This
type of exaltation of the power of fallen angels is common in false
private revelations (which mainly come from fallen angels).
Message 112 (March 26, 1991): “Satan continually seeks to destroy
you.... No one, no one will succeed in battling Satan without My help. I
say no one. The angels of Heaven would be helpless without My help. The
saints would be helpless and, yes, even the Mother of God.”
Above are some further examples of this type of boasting about Satan.
The messages make a bare mention of salvation by God, but their main
theme is how powerful and, seemingly, all-present is this one mere
fallen angel. Also, the idea that all the holy Angels of Heaven are
helpless before one fallen angel is absurd. The number of fallen angels
is far less than those who did not fall. So, in a mere battle of one
group's natural powers against the other's, the holy Angels would not be
helpless. Furthermore, Satan was never the greatest or most powerful
angel ever created. He is the worst and most powerful of the fallen
angels, as far as we know. But Scripture says that Michael and his holy
angels defeat Satan and his fallen angels, therefore, it is not true
that the angels of Heaven would be helpless by themselves.
Message 444: “Look at it this way, if you come to Me with half yourself distracted and half to Me, Satan can get in the half that is distracted.”
For my father (and two siblings), this kind of complete focus on ( but more like an unhealthy obsession with) Mary was like feeling it was necessary to be completely committed to playing a virtual reality video game in his head, one where he was a solider in a cosmic battle between forces of light and darkness, the playing of which released dopamine in his head and kept him distracted from how his addiction to playing such a game, which kept him working at a bookstore for not much more than today's minimum wage out of fear falling into sin at any other job, was directly responsible for forcing his own children to deliver newspapers in which he took all the money, a bit like The Story of the Little Match Girl.
As a result, my father's addiction to Mary as a surrogate for his real mother, who told him she never wanted him, and proved it by how she ignored him for most of his life until he became as obsessively Catholic as she was, not only contributed to making it that much more difficult to connect emotionally to his own children for most of his life, but provided the perfect incentive for my two siblings to need to see Mary, in order to forge a bond with a father who had only ever forged a loving bond with his beliefs in Mary more than with them.
The miracle of such apparitions, as such, is how “the impression (it) made upon the mind or nervous system" of my siblings "become a part of (their) personality,” convincing them that they and they alone have special access to divine revelation in everything they think, say, or do, especially when they are casting the stones of their religious judgement at anyone who dares to use their "free will" in a way that does not conform to their own ideals of what it means to be human - which for them means "property of God" (but since God is an absentee father because of his immaterial nature, really means something more like "property of the Roman Catholic Church") - which are embodied in the Virgin Mary's willingness to be impregnated by a God, and to never have sex her whole life.
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