The problem with my family of Roman Catholics is that they require me to accept their Catholicism as a cure for their problems as infallibly true and that my claim that Catholicism caused and contributed to my own trauma is a delusion (which only their Catholicism can cure). Hence, to have a relationship with my family, I must accept their delusion as valid and my own experience as invalid. And I was told as much by my brother, the Catholic priest. In other words, i must accept their delusion as real and my own realizations as a delusion. To have a relationship with my Catholic family, in other words, I must accept their gaslighting as my only truth and, as a result, rely on their moral compass and distrust my own, for my entire life. For them, however, it isn't gaslighting, because as they see it - they're touched by God with infallibility about their religion. For perspective, it works like this. My brother and sister insist they know their "God" is real, even as ...