The God of the Old Testament, who directed his "chosen people" to commit numerous acts of genocide to settle his own insecurities, is the very same God that Christopher Columbus brought to the Native American "Indians" in 1492. That God was the very same God that Christian Crusaders brought to Jerusalem in 1099, murdering every Muslim man, woman, and child, and all for the glory of gold and in defense of an institutionalized Christian religion. It is that same God, which rose up like a serpent with the rise of King David, that murdered Christ, for daring to suggest that people ought to work together for their mutual benefit, rather than follow like sheep, the proclamations of either the Sanhedrin or Popes, false prophets adorned with power and wealth, who all claim to be as "infallible" in their decrees as the emperors of Rome. Those who now declare they know "the will of God," are by far the falsest prophets who have ever dared to crawl the...