If you think about the difference between a lie and a "belief," you discover that they are often basically the very same thing. In fact, at the center of the word "belief," we find the word 'lie." And while the Christian will everywhere boast of the power of their "beliefs," they never notice that they are, at the very same time, boasting about the power of their lies.
From slavery to geocentrism, from pogroms to genocide, from martyrs to world wars, every horror perpetrated through history has been over one lie or another. The Christian admits this every time they accuse atheism of being far more responsible for bloodshed throughout history than theism. And yet, despite Christians claiming that far, far more people have been killed for what the Christian "knows" to be a lie (i.e. atheism), the Christian nevertheless claims that their "beliefs" are far, far stronger than any lie.
Let us fist accept that the Christian "belief" is not simply the mother of all lies (as many atheists and non-Christian theists would argue), but is the very "infallible truth" that Christians proudly proclaim it to be.
But if this is the case, if indeed Christianity is a "belief" and a "truth" that is far stronger than any "lie" the devil could come up with, then why have lies had such a greater impact in the world? Is not the fact that "more people have died over the lie of atheism," as Christians everywhere love to claim, simply proof that a lie is thus stronger than the power of their "beliefs" to stop it?
Nor is the Christian ever willing to accept that it is precisely because Christianity is "believed" to be true, that such an overwhelming majority of people who have engaged in the barbarisms of combat over the last two thousand years, were able to find the courage and the moral justifications for doing so, including the vast majority of soldiers fighting on all sides of all of the conflicts of the 20th century.
Whatever ideologies soldiers fight for collectively, they almost always find the resolve and the moral justification for doing so on a deeply personal level, in terms that are nearly always devoutly theistic and religious. How then can a "truth" like Christianity, become the very personal means of motivating hundreds of millions of people into the hell furnace of war, even to defend political ideologies that Christians (falsely) claim are so entirely atheistic?
Without religion, and the hope of eternal salvation, what basis would the Communist or Nazi solider have for throwing themselves into a barrage of bullets and cannon-fire, that they know fully well will only rip them to pieces so small,that all the kings horses and all the kings men, could never put them back together again?
Of course the Christian, sitting comfortably in their pew, on cushioned couches and climate controlled churches, never bothers themselves with the trifles of soldiers in foxholes marching to their death for God and country. They simply accept their claims are "true," regardless of how often such "truths" lead people to see their grave as simply the doorway to the promised land.
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