God could've "saved" humanity in any number of infinite ways, since he can do"all things," as Christians love to boast. But rather than choose from any infinite number of other non-violent ways of "saving humanity," God specifically choose to do so by allowing his "only son" to be brutally tortured and murdered, and by the very "humanity" God wanted to save, no less.
That God could easily have chosen a more merciful means of forgiveness (a rule he "commands" humanity to follow but simply refuses to follow himself), and thus provided humanity with any number of less horrific examples for them to follow as the means of "forgiving all those who trespass agaisnt us," only proves how truly vicious and unworthy of "worship" that God really is. This is especially true, when you consider that that same 'god' chose to simply ignore the pleas of his "only son' in the garden of Gethsemane to "take this cup from me."
But rather than do that, which would've been the easiest thing in the world for God to do, God chose to let "his will be done," so that humanity would be emotionally moved enough to "believe" in him, through the brutal bloody murder of a completely innocent man. This, then, is the very definition of "propaganda" through pure emotional manipulation.
Ask a Christian how this makes any sense at all, and they will invent any number of excuses of why the murder of Christ is not simply a form of entrapment, or that God has no responsibility for the murder of Christ, even though Christ said "let thy will be done." That it was God's "will" that Jesus be murdered by a mob of religious zealots, whom God knew would torture and murder his son, is never ever seen as grounds of indictment of God by Christians.
That a Christian sitting on a jury would automatically conclude that a parent who knowingly sent their child to the house of a serial killer, was, at the very least, complicit in the murder of that child at the hands of that serial killer, never informs their opinion about God. In fact, never for a second does such a thought deter that same Christian from defending their "father, who art in heaven," of being altogether innocent of engaging in the exact same complicity. Especially if it was that father's "will" that such a horrific crime should happen.
In this respect, God sending Jesus to humanity is like trying to cure murderers of their "sinful" desire to murder, by giving them the greatest someone there is, to murder.
In this respect, God sending Jesus to humanity is like trying to cure murderers of their "sinful" desire to murder, by giving them the greatest someone there is, to murder.
None of this ever causes a single Christian to question the "benevolence" of such a "father," who's "will" it is that his "only son" be tortured and murdered at the hands of the lunatics who that "father" wishes to redeem. But if their neighbor was a known pedophile, or a suspected serial killer, what kind of father would knowingly send their child over there, in an attempt to "redeem" such a person?
What kind of a "father" who did so would not be considered at least as responsible for the rape and murder of that child at the person who actually committed the crime?
For example, when the MMA fighter War Machine, whose birth name is Jonathan Paul Koppenhavera "left Christy Mack with a broken nose, missing teeth, a
fractured eye socket, leg injuries and a lacerated liver in the August
2014 incident," any number of Conservative Christians rushed in to blame Christy Mack for having put herself in that situation in the first place!
Mack was fully aware, after all, of just what a nut job War Machine was. And because she was, critics were quick to blame her for willingly putting herself in harms way by continuing to date him. But how is what War Machine did to Christy really all that different from what God did to Christ? Since God likewise knew that humanity was as much a bunch of violence crazed lunatics as War Machine proved to be, sending Jesus to them could only really ever have the same outcome that befell Christy Mack.
But while any number of people are willingly to attribute to Mack at least some level of blame for having stayed in a relationship with War Machine, not a single Christian on the planet is willing to hold their "god" to a similar standard, and admit that God was just as responsible as the mob for murdering Christ.
Indeed, if Christ was Isaac and God was Abraham, the Sanhedrin was simply the knife God used to murder his own son.
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