Christians love to personify good and evil in their characters of God and the devil, which one can see even in the similarity of the spelling. But those same Christians often can't seem to see that, in the same way, Donald Trump is the personification of America, in full monty. Trump, in other words, is America. Or to be more specific, Trump is American Capitalism, standing naked in front of us all, like the emperor parading around in his "new clothes." And Trump himself is America's "free -market" messiah, whose supporters worship him like the golden calf, which they were proud to claim they had all made with their own hands. And as everyone knows, the "emperor" and his nation are one and the same. And those who hate him, those who want a "better" president, are basically saying they object, not to a system that manufactures people like Trump and treats them like heroes and even puts them in power, but to allowing such a sy...