For billions of Christians around the world, Easter is not simply the pagan ceremony it always used to be, but is instead, the resurrection of their "Lord & Savior, Jesus Christ."
As a result, Christians everywhere contemplate the brutal torture and murder of their dear Jesus, and his subsequent resurrection a few days later, as being the most significant event in all of human history, if not all of history itself, and for all species of animals, aliens, or artificial intelligence as well, in this universe and possibly any other.
But when you think about it, if Jesus really was an infinite and eternal, all powerful, all knowing God, just as much as he was completely human, then all Jesus really did was give up one single weekend, out of an infinite number of weekends.
How many of us have given up a weekend to help someone move, or to cope with the loss of a loved on, or to do any number of other things, even though the total number of weekends even the longest life has to enjoy are so finite?
Yet Jesus, who by being eternal and knowing it too, is supposed to be praised to no end, just because he gave up a single weekend for "our sins," out of the infinite number of weekends he gets to enjoy. And for this, people everywhere are expected give up at least half of every weekend of their entire life, so they can fall all over themselves in awe and supplication, about a 'hangover' weekend Jesus was said to have had some 2000 years ago, that he might not even remember!
The next time a Christian friend asks me to give up a weekend to help them move, I'm going to expect a hell of lot more than just free pizza and beer.
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