Christians fail to understand that their "Jesus" is simply a simplified caricature of their God the same way Santa Claus is a simplified caricature of our parents.
The difference is that, for the Christian, God is Ward Cleaver, while for the atheist, he's Richard Kuklinski.
Or to put it another way, to all those who are willing to grow up to be the person God (or more specifically his earth bound man-made Church) says you should be (i.e. "must be" to avoid eternal hell), and who are willing to grovel to his "greatness" and only ever speak in glowing favorable terms of how "God is a God of love" (and not a purveyor of pedophiles and genocide), God only ever looks like Ward Cleaver.
This takes serious sustained effort, by the way, which is why weekly indoctrination is mandatory and why constant reading and study of the indoctrination manual (i.e. the Bible) is encouraged.
But to anyone who wishes to grow up to be anything other than what their totalitarian "father" in heaven wants (i.e. demands on pain of eternal torture) them to be, God is simply Ricard Kuklinski.
The "miracle of faith" is how well it hides the latter from the former.
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