If Jesus Christ had shown up in the world today rather than two thousand years ago, there is a very good chance he'd take a look around, and wonder if humanity was even worth saving at all.
Would he conclude that we are all so intoxicated with our own "progress" that we cannot see how the glittering new tomorrow we are all working so hard to create, is actually the monster that is devouring us all?
Would he find a world where people had learned how to work better together, or a world run by people who think that selling their souls is a small price to pay to gain the whole world? And they are willing to murder us all to prove it.
Would he marvel at our ability to live in peace, or our ability to scourge and crucify each other with everything from our words to our wars?
Would he say we had gotten better at learning to love or to hate?
Would he ask “what if all the money spent on wars and prisons over the 20th century alone, had been spent instead on food and medicine? And what if all the energy and effort humanity has devoted to killing and enslaving each other - and usually for one God or another - had instead been devoted to feeding the hungry, and clothing the naked, healing the sick, and just trying to fucking understand each other?"
And would he be overjoyed to hear that all of it was done in one of his countless “holy" names?
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