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There is a level of ignorance in the world so profound that it is worshiped as an infallible source of divine enlightenment. It is a an addiction that is far worse than heroin and is the cause of all war and hatred in the world, precisely because it is worshipped as the only source of love, meaning, and truth. In fact, so addicted to this profound source of ignorance are people that they would joyfully murder their own children to maintain it, just like Abraham. And the only reason it will never be overcome is because humans are so addicted to their enslavement to this ignorance that they have only ever murdered anyone who has ever dared to reveal its true face. The greatest of these in the last two thousand years was a man named Jesus. And when the next person comes along and tries to do what he did, Christians the world over will scream repeatedly at the top of their lungs in unison “Crucify him!” To maintain their sacred “beliefs” about god, the Christian would murder God ev...
Religion claims its sacred “beliefs” are actually sacred “truths,” even though those truths must ultimately be accept on faith alone. And they must primarily be accepted on faith alone, because God not only works in ways that are forever outside of our ability to ever fully understand, but because that same God chooses to remain entirely and forever outside of the ability of science to ever be able to detect whatsoever, and all so God can prove to humanity that despite our god given abilities to use our minds to the best of our ability to understand anything and everything, and especially what it truly means to be human, we can only ever truly know God through faith alone! End of discussion!  If you are a Catholic, however, that faith is buttressed by the traditions of all those who proved they were willing to die rather than ever admit they could be wrong. Religion, as such, is an act of faith to believe that what determines if a person will be saved from eternal tortures is...

Two Christs

There are two Christ’s in the world: the one Christians the world over worship because they are addicted to their beliefs, and the one those same Christians crucify the world over so they can maintain those beliefs. The first one is a fairytale dreamt up by advertisers, as much by the propagandist St. Paul for the glory of Roman imperialism as Joel Osteen for the glory of American capitalism, and the other is all those who are forced to suffer on the cross of reality for the glory of the fairytale. Tell a Christian this, of course, and they will respond as violently as Regan MacNeil in The Exorcist when she thought Fr. Karris has sprinkled holy water on her, after she had been possessed, or a vampire to sunlight. This shouldn’t surprise anyone, however, since Christians drink blood every Sunday and religion operates as the most potent and celebrated form of demonic possession humanity has ever “intelligently designed” for itself.

You Name It

Steve Harvey. I recently watched a short clip of Family Feud with Steve Harvey. The question he was asking contestants to answer was “What event changed Steve Harvey’s look on life?” Or something like that. The answers included getting married, with the answer card including, once it was turned over, the qualifier, “(for the third time).” (Harvey was not amused.) Another was shaving his head. But one that struck me as particularly interesting was an answer that a contestant offered that was not up on the board. That contestant answered “the decision to become one with God.” While this answer was not up on the board it was revealing nevertheless, not only because of who the “God” is that Steve Harvey was said to have become “One with,” but more importantly, by what name Steve Harvey calls that “God.” The God that Steve Harvey “became one with,” along with everyone from Anthony Robbins to Joel Osteen to Donald Trump, is actually the “invisible hand” of Capitalism itself, wh...

Born Yesterday Again

A belief in a god who grants us eternal life is only as strong as a person’s fear of death. But death is infinitely more natural than life. While “all that lives must die,” not all that is dead will one day be alive, and only the very least of that which does will ever experience life in the form of a human being. To fear death is therefore to fear what is infinitely more natural than life itself, and certainly more natural than human life. The only thing more unnatural than fearing death, therefore, is believing that a god who decided to grant us all the “gift” of human life - which we are all quite confident is by far the greatest of all forms of life god has ever created, or ever will - will also save us all from eternal death, even though he insists we must experience death at least once anyway, no matter what. And presumably, so religion wants us to believe, because God created us in such a way that we can only ever truly appreciate life by first experiencing death, i...
Christians treat atheists the same way the overwhelming majority of citizens of the Roman Empire treated Christians. To Rome, Christians were all atheists, because they did not believe in the gods of Rome, but instead they believed in a man and called that man a god. To Rome, Christianity was seen as atheistic humanism.

Old Wine in New Bottles

the amount of fictional suffering we enjoy watching in our different forms of entertainment, from television shows to movies and games and beyond, and all to escape every once and a while from the insufferable experience of the reality we have created for ourselves, and is the truest example of the miracle of faith over reason.  Consider the fact that children's shows contain more violence than any other type of programming.  And yet we call this a Christian nation. The only thing Christian about such a nation is its worship of the image of human crucifixion as the most profitable form of entertainment, from television to the pews. We adore violence to such an extent, in fact, that by the age of 18 , the average 18 - year - old (in US) has seen more than 200,000 acts of   violence. And in almost 75% of those violent scenes, no one is punished for the violent act ." The act of violence not only desensitizes us to suffering all around us, especially economic suff...
The difference between truth and a belief in “God” is the difference between what the word “God” would actually mean if such a “being” actually exists at all, and the greatest lie ever conceived.
Everyone who goes to church thinks they’re morally superior to anyone who doesn’t go to church, and everyone who doesn’t go to church thinks they’re smarter than all the people who do. But my only church is nature, and the only sermon I listen to is written by the waves and the wind, and sung by the birds and the bees.

Why God is an Atheist

When the Christian insists that "man is made in the image and likeness of God," they are admitting that their religion is simply an unintelligible contradiction that allows them to believe anything they wish, no matter how insane and self-evidently false such a "belief" may be.  The first reason for why this is so undeniably true, is because it is impossible, both physically and logically, to claim that a material object - in this case "man" - can be made in the image and likeness of a wholly immaterial object - in this case, the infinite abstract idea of a "God." Such a claim therefore amounts to claiming that the entire universe is made in the image and likeness of an idea that is impossible to put into words, or even conceive of in any practical sense. So the only thing a Christian can possibly mean by such a statement is that man is made in the image and likeness of how such a "God" thinks, for the only thing that a wholly ...
The reason Adam and Eve were thrown out of the Garden of Eden was the exact same reason Jesus Christ was crucified: the first two dared to know truth and the latter dared to speak it. For the Christian to worship that "beliefs" as being true, as such, is no different than believing that a cross is the exact same thing as a tree.

Right To Die

The right to die should be as much of a fundamental right as a right to life. In fact, death is as natural as life itself, for "all that lives must die." And those who fear death simply hide behind their faux morality pretending to care about "life" while those who are dying are forced to experience every bit of pain imaginable while they shuffle loose their mortal coil. Only demons in hell would revel in such agony, along with those "believers" in hell who think "life comes from God," so that God therefore demands we must suffer in agony all the horrendous tortures that God can inflict upon a person, before we dare lift a finger to alleviate any of it.  The fear that a person experiences when facing certain death is the cause of at least as much suffering as the physical pain that person will be forced to endure as the bloody hands of one serial killing disease or another finds ever more cruel and hellish ways to do its worst. Experimen...
A writer is a hoarder of ideas that can't get around their house without having to write everything down so they know where it is.  It's a lot like being in hell.
A friend is someone we love because we think they are, at lest in some ways, better than we are. And an enemy is someone we hate for the same reason.

The apple of our father’s eye

If animals have no souls, and thus their suffering does not matter, than one cannot commit a sin against God by torturing and killing an animal, even if we torture and kill every animal on the planet - just for our own twisted amusement. And since God basically tortured and murdered Jesus for his own twisted amusement as well, rather than simply forgiving Adam & Eve by turning the other cheek (as he commands human beings do for each other), I guess the apple doesn’t fall from the tree.

watching football

Christianity teaches us to love "our father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name,.." This "father figure" is the god who created us, so we are taught to "believe," who is as infinitely greater to us as we are to a spermatozoa.    A newborn infant, on the other hand, is likewise much greater than the spermatozoa from whence it, when combined with female gametes or "ova." And the intelligence of the adult is on average of a much higher order than that of the newborn infant, in the same way that the intelligence that is said to have given birth to humanity is believed to be on a much higher order of intelligence than that of even the smartest human beings throughout history.  Yet Christianity wishes for humanity to believe nevertheless that it can, and indeed that it must strive more than anything else, to use its own intelligence to 'infallibly' understand  that greater intelligence we call "God," even though t...
It is not that the atheist is more obsessed with God than the theist, but that the atheist is at least as passionate about revealing the fraud that religion  relies on to perpetrate all of its sins agaisnt humanity as the "believer" is passionate in facilitating those sins by denying that they are guilty of supporting the greatest fraud in human history. In this sense, every "believer" in the world is just as guilty of the persecution of anyone who dares to question the false idol of their religious beliefs, as Pontius Pilate was in the crucifixion of an innocent man, who failed to worship the God of Rome.
The same way pornography reduces women to mere objects of pleasure for men, so Religion reduces people to objects of pleasure for a "God." One wants women to be brainless bimbos while the other wants people the world over to be "true believers" in a "God" that we can neither understand nor define in any reliable sense.  

Temple of Sin

Jesus dying for our sins is like God signing a blank check for humanity to sin as much as it wants, or even can.  In fact, it amounts to  God daring humanity to try and sin more than the amount of forgiveness He - an infinite omnipotent God - can pay out.   This same idea was what the  Church selling indulgences were all about.  The selling of those indulgences caused the Protestant Reformation, when Martin Luther left the Catholic fold for questioning the "treasure house of merit" that the Catholic Church was selling to build the "temple" of St. Michael in Rome, much the same way King David built a temple in  Jerusalem.  It should also be pointed out that Rome is as alien to Christianity as Jerusalem is to the Judaism, and in the same way. Rome is a city that Jesus never visited, nor discussed, but from which came St. Paul. So to, Jerusalem is the city that King David decided to make the capital of Israel, when he came to power, than...
 Most people who claim to "believe" in "free will," likewise subscribe to religions that deny that people should be free to chose.
Religion is how the devil convinced humanity to cut down the tree of life and turn it into a cross with which we would crucify each other, in order to avoid hell, and prove to a God who is said to have crucified his own son for sins (because he couldn’t think of a better plan), that we deserve eternal life.
If Jesus was an eternal and infinite god who died for our sins, then by doing so he wrote humanity a blank check that would be as infinite as God himself, so that humanity could sin as much as we wanted, because we who are so finite can never sin more than an infinite God can forgive. Christ crucified, in other words, only incentivizes humanity to aspire to an amount of sin that would put even the devil and all his minions to shame. 
The supreme irony of Christianity is that it is a religion founded on the teachings of a man who was murdered by religious believers for questioning their religious beliefs.
Protest is a form of art. Because art is the voice of a society’s subconscious mind. Violence is always an expression of fear masquerading as love for one’s ideas, and the salvation we are convinced those ideas alone can provide. And poverty is the greatest form of violence of all, because humanity only ever uses its different religions to justify it, far more than uses those religions to alleviate it.

A House Divided Cannot Stand

Abraham Lincoln once said "a divided house cannot stand."  He was quoting Jesus. Jesus said, in Matt 12:22-28 22  Then one was brought to Him who was demon-possessed, blind and mute; and He healed him, so that the [ a ] blind and mute man both spoke and saw. 23  And all the multitudes were amazed and said, “Could this be the Son of David?” 24  Now when the Pharisees heard it they said, “This fellow does not cast out demons except by [ b ] Beelzebub, the ruler of the demons.” 25  But Jesus knew their thoughts, and said to them: “Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation, and every city or house divided against itself will not stand. 26  If Satan casts out Satan, he is divided against himself. How then will his kingdom stand? 27  And if I cast out demons by Beelzebub, by whom do your sons cast them out? Therefore they shall be your judges. 28  But if I cast out demons by the Spirit of God, surely the kingdom of G...
An enemy is someone we hate for being the same thing we love about ourselves. A sinner is someone we hate because we hate something about ourselves. And religion is the thing we love most about ourselves, even though it teaches us we can only love ourselves by hating the fact that we are all born sinners. 
To love God is to hate yourself.  And who wouldn't hate themself for feeling in anyway responsible, for the brutal torture and murder of Jesus, which Jesus had to undergo in order to forgive us our never ending list of sins, which only grow like compound interest grows money? In fact, the Christian actually believes that a person is somehow made more moral by first believing they are so sinful that they could only be forgiven by God through the torture and murder of his only son Jesus, and than believing that even though they were forgiven by the torture and murder of Jesus, they are nevertheless still held responsible, to some infinitesimal degree, for both the torture and murder of Jesus.  The miracle of Christianity then, is that we are forgiven our sins through our willingness to torture and murder our god.     And to prove ourselves worthy of that "god" we call money, we joyfully torture and murder each other, and call the perdition we worship and c...
Love can only exist in finite things and between finite things, that know their finite nature, because eternity can love nothing less than itself, anymore than a person falls in love with a cancer cell under a microscope, or the ant they step on when walking home from work.  In fact, eternity is the incubator of hatred, when you think about it, because the idea of eternal life with those we hate or fear, seems like pure hell; especially for people who think they deserve to live forever for having "the gift of faith," which amounts to nothing more than having "the good sense" to be prejudiced agaisnt anyone who fails to think like they do.

How Religion Cures Cancer

Should we aspire to be whoever or whatever we want to be, or to conform to a mold largely shaped by our parents, or on a larger scale, even the culture we inhabit?   Some people honor their parents by dutifully and obediently subscribing to their parent's points of view, especially about religion.  However different their own point of view may be from that of their parents in the particulars of that religion, many people are nevertheless taught to "honor their parents" by continuing the family tradition of being one religion or another, be it Jewish, Christian, Hindu, Conservative, Socialist, and so on.  But the real way to honor one's parents, and indeed the only way to honor any parent, is by learning to how to shed such points of view so one can think more critically for oneself. For it is only by doing so that a person can ever achieve any true sense of independence, by being nimble enough in their minds to avoid the snares of charlatans selling the sn...
The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was becoming the shepherd by convincing the world he was the lamb of God. Put another way, the greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the followers of a man who was as poor as Lazarus, to depend upon and wholly worship the money changers in the temple, so those same followers could be taught to be thankful for the crumbs that "trickled down" to them from the tables of those rich men.  What Lazarus couldn't see from his vantage point on the floor groveling over those crumbs, however, was that the table of a rich man is the altar upon which such men sacrifice the poor, to the only god humanity has left: Money.
In a world of venerated traditions and dogmatic religious conformity, the person with a truly original idea is as much Jesus Christ as the devil incarnate.
In biological organisms, the largest and smallest organisms tend to have no patterns or stripes. We see this, for example, in elephants and mice. This physical reality is reflected in states of consciousness as well, in the way that infants and senior citizens have no preconceptions or "learned beliefs" that bias their interpretation of reality. Hence, to become wise one must become like a child, because only with the innocence of a child can one interpret reality without the lens of fear or judgement.  The problem, however, is that as a child, mot people are taught to hate themselves; for either, on the one hand, failing to measure up to a moral ideal of human perfection in an image called "Jesus Christ" - which happens to be an image of moral perfection that, because Jesus is considered to be "God," is completely impossible for any human being to ever achieve, even if they had eternity to try and do so (which only sounds like pure hel...
"Every child has a god in him. Our attempts to mold the child will turn the god into a devil. Children come to my school, little devils, hating the world, destructive, unmannerly, lying, thieving, bad tempered. In six months they are happy, healthy children who do no evil". From A. S. Neil's book Summerhill