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“But that’s just a Belief!”

Say anything to my brother and he'll reflexively respond "but that's just a belief." What makes this so ironic is the fact he's a Catholic priest. As a Catholic priest, he is obligated to dismiss and disrespect evey other person's ideas as "just a belief," even as he demands that the whole world conform to his own brand of beliefs as "infallibe truth," or they'll be hell to apy. His own beliefs, however, are anything but just a belief - they're infallible facts that eveyone else in the world must accept and respect or be burned alive for all eternity to please his own spcial brand of god. His beliefs are infallbile, in other words, while evey one else is delusional.

There are numerous other differences in his brand of beliefs compared to those of others. For example, he does not consider his own "beleifs" to be something seperate from himself. He and his beleifs are one and the same. In effect, he is just his beliefs and nothing else. As a result, he shrink wraps his mind with the straight jacket of his brand of relgious "beliefs." This makes him wholly unable and unwilling to change how he thinks to the same degree he is committed to believing his beliefs are infallible to begin with. And being a catholic priest, his beliefs are as infallible as the pope.

Make the choice to only see things one way and your brain will obediently restrict itself to only ever doing just that. That's what a confirmation bias can do for a belief, it provides us with an endless supply of evidence to prove we are right about everything just as much as everyone else is wrong about those same things. A confirmation bias convinces us we are god, which is what religions promise their sheep they will graduate to become but only after they die. Lucky for religion, dead men tell no secrets.

Worst of all, such a choice, along with the confirmation biases that form the iron bars of our sacred beleifs, only allow us to hide fearfully behind the barracades of our judgments while locking our curiosity inside the narrow box of the beleifs we have sold our soul to for salvation.

why would anyone ever decide they never want to stray from the beliefs they decided were true when they were 13 years old, the same age they were when they stopped believing in Santa Claus and the tooth ferry? Answer: fear, and the pleasure of power enjoyed by selling beliefs based on fear masquerading as love to othes who fear the eternal wrath of the god they claim (pretend) to "love."

That's what religion is: fear of hell masquerading as love of the god who promises to save you from the hell he created, and a complete devotion to denying that that is all a "believer" is ever doing. But dont tell them that or they'll burn you alive as a witch, just to prove their belief is superior to yours, just like their god will do to you after you die.

Don't bother telling my brother any of this because if anyone mentions how much Christians love being "godlike" by doling out their judgments and imposing punishment, he'll be quick to assure you "but that that's just your belief." Faith, after all, is always greater than facts.

But of course these are just my beliefs, after all, and certianly aren't as infallible as that of those who see themselves to be as infallible as that talking serpent promised them they would be: For Christians are "like God, knowing right from wrong." And anyone who doubts the veracity of their beliefs ends up like Jesus Christ. Christians, in short, are really just Sanhedrinians. And they delight in the suffering they cause, like their god delighted in the torture and death of his own son, and all to save themselves from the fires of hell.


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