“We see things not as they are but as we are.” This quote, which comes from Anias Nin, sums up how and why Catholic priests see it as a virtue to convince mothers and fathers that their children are natural born sinners. Why? Well, if you accuse a person of being a trouble maker, then as soon as the person protests to being called a “trouble maker” they only prove they are a trouble maker. And if a Catholic priest accuses a person of being a natural born sinner who’s greatest sin is their refusal to “believe” and accept that the Catholic Church’s (baseless) accusation of this claim is (infallibly) correct (despite there being no actual evidence to support such an accusation other than the priest’s own “conviction” that it is true, and the Church's claim to be "infallible"), then as soon as the person protests the validity of that accusation they only prove to that priest they are guilty as charged. Accuse a Catholic priest of being a pedophile who refuses to admit they rape children, however, then as soon as the Catholic priest refuses to admit they rape children they are simply proving the accusation is correct as well. In other words, anyone can engage in this game but the Catholic priest is convinced that when THEY do it, they are doing it for GOD. This is how the charge of the “stain of original sin” becomes a brainwashing technique that assures the priest he is right to believe that others are guilty of such an “original sin” because the priest has fully accepted that they suffer from such a sin to begin with. Accuse that same priest of being responsible for any and every other crime in the world, from slavery to genocide of Native Americans and so on, and they will object to such charges on a personal level, even as they will admit that “we are all guilty of sin” on another level. In this way, the priest convinces himself he is guilty of everything and forgiven for it all at the same time. Hence, the Catholic priest requires everyone to first accept they are guilty of all of the sins of the world so that "God" (in truth, they really mean their own brand of Catholic Church) can forgive them. Mention any of this to a priest and they will either call for your crucifixtion or simply ignore you and contine to tell moms and dads they must convince their children they are natural born sinners in order that both they and their children can avoid hell, which they can only do by obeying the priest who is only selling such ideas so they can avoid that same hell.
Most people don't realize that the Supreme Court has been in the hands of the Republican party since at least 1970! In fact, even in the landmark case of Roe v Wade that legalized abortion, SCOTUS was inhabited by 6 Republicans and 3 Democrats, and the vote was 7 to 2. One of the reasons is that the Republican Party has absolutely ZERO desire to win on the abortion issue. And that's because abortion gives the GOP a clear focal point with potentially unlimited organizing power. And it's an even simpler message to sell than religion, since we are "pro-life." (if that was true, however, they wouldn't be actively trying to repeal healthcare for up to 30 million Americans, nor would they be so pro-gun, pro-war, pro-death penalty, pro welfare cuts, pro- social security cuts, pro- drone strikes, etc). The Republican party officially became "pro-life" in 1976, thanks to Jesse Helms (R-NC). The only reason no serious challenge was brought within the pa...
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