Human worship of a "perfect" God is simply a veiled denial of just how imperfect the human mind truly is.
"Believers," for example, have never been able to answer the question of how it is we can all be expected to discern a "perfect" God, along with what it means to aspire to a moral perfection based on such an infinite abstraction, if our brains are so finite and woefully flawed and imperfect.
Nor can they explain how discerning such "perfections" is in any way improved when such flawed people are all forced to make such determinations under the threat of hell and the bribe of heaven, especially when nearly every study of human motivation and intelligence demonstrates how such incentives tend only to diminish such abilities, rather than improve them.
The quest to be as perfect as God, then, is simply the spiritual equivalent of striving to have a perfect IQ, even though scientists have no clear understanding of what we actually mean by "intelligence" in the first place, let alone how to measure so infinitely abstract a term, or the biological equivalent of striving like the Nazi's for a perfect "race," even though scientists claim that ideas of "race" are wholly man made constructs that simply reject scientific evidence that demonstrate that there is only one human race.
No religions actually worship God, therefore, but simply human projections of purely human concepts of purely human ideals of perfection.
And for as long as we can remember, we have been willing to kill and die for those perfections to prove it. Prior to the "enlightened" discovery that God was the measure of human perfection, however, we were probably stupid enough to know better.
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