It is impossible to have an honest conversation about "truth" with people who have a religious obligation to lie to themselves about their "god."
This is because they are convinced on a deeply emotional level that the greatest "truth" of all is the one held not only without any evidence, but despite it.
This belief then inverts all moral ideas of "truth" by elevating their mere "beliefs" to the level of ultimate "truth" while demoting any and all other attempts to find actual truth as necessarily being a lie.
And it is with this inverted system of "beliefs," one that necessarily requires people to accept a sacred time honored lie as the ultimate "truth," that the "believer" fashions their morality and crucifies all those who fail to kneel before it.
And for no other reason than that the "believer" cannot believe they could ever be wrong.
We see a perfect example of this in the rationale for seeing Africans as subhuman offered by the French social philosopher who had such a profound influence on America's founding fathers, Montesquieu, when he quipped in 1748:
"It is impossible for us to suppose these creatures to be men, because, allowing them to be men, a suspicion would follow that we ourselves are not Christian."
Here, Montesquieu uses the religion of racism to support his religion of Christianity, while at the same time relying on his Christian religion to bolster his religion of racism, even though both religions are simply sacred time honored "beliefs" that are as equal in their duplicity as they are in their rejection of actual truth.
And when you consider how much "blood" Christians drink every Sunday, it is no wonder that the light of such truth always leads them to react in the very same way a vampire reacts when exposed to sunlight.
This is because they are convinced on a deeply emotional level that the greatest "truth" of all is the one held not only without any evidence, but despite it.
This belief then inverts all moral ideas of "truth" by elevating their mere "beliefs" to the level of ultimate "truth" while demoting any and all other attempts to find actual truth as necessarily being a lie.
And it is with this inverted system of "beliefs," one that necessarily requires people to accept a sacred time honored lie as the ultimate "truth," that the "believer" fashions their morality and crucifies all those who fail to kneel before it.
And for no other reason than that the "believer" cannot believe they could ever be wrong.
We see a perfect example of this in the rationale for seeing Africans as subhuman offered by the French social philosopher who had such a profound influence on America's founding fathers, Montesquieu, when he quipped in 1748:
"It is impossible for us to suppose these creatures to be men, because, allowing them to be men, a suspicion would follow that we ourselves are not Christian."
Here, Montesquieu uses the religion of racism to support his religion of Christianity, while at the same time relying on his Christian religion to bolster his religion of racism, even though both religions are simply sacred time honored "beliefs" that are as equal in their duplicity as they are in their rejection of actual truth.
And when you consider how much "blood" Christians drink every Sunday, it is no wonder that the light of such truth always leads them to react in the very same way a vampire reacts when exposed to sunlight.
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