Abraham Maslow once said that when the only tool you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.
So to, when you live in a society where the only tool you have for addressing people's problems is a "for profit" healthcare system, everything looks like a disease.
In fact, before people found a way to make money off of addiction, addiction was always labeled a crime. And it's still a crime, if you're addicted to the wrong stuff, but it's a "disease" if you're addicted to the right stuff.
When countless children go to bed hungry every night in a country suffering from obesity, you know the former will eventually try to escape the unhappiness of poverty by getting hooked on drugs - either selling them or using them, or both - and will end up being labeled as a "criminal" (and thrown into a "for profit" prison somewhere), while the latter will become addicted to everything from opioids to fast food and be fed into a "for profit" healthcare system that makes more money by redefining such addicts as "patients."
Mind you, being called a "patient" is preferable to being called a criminal, but both are defined by the same people, and for largely the same reasons. Both hospitals and prisons are trying to "cure" addiction, after all, only one does it with drugs and the other with dungeons.
They say if you could ask a fish "how's the water," the fish would reply "What's water?"
Well, we are like fish who are diagnosing what is wrong with other fish even though none of us have any concept of what water is. But once you see that water, you can't see anything else.
Depression is not a disease, in other words, it's a reaction to something in the water.
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