God does not “exist,”at least not in any sense of the word “exist” that we could mean anyway, because he preceded and is alleged to have created all of existence itself, from absolutely nothing.
Yet Christians argue that a perfect being would have to be a being that actually exists (because a being that doesn’t exist would be less perfect than one that does), while at the same time arguing that god is not a material being, which is why science will never find him no matter how hard it tries.
This then is the mind - body problem of god.
Our mind is immaterial, but has a material brain from which it emanates and through which it operates. But god is said to be purely an intelligence that “designed” existence and everything in it.
God then wrote a book about it, according to Christians, that was worse than anything ever written by Stephen King, where he tells us nothing about how he did this or why, but only about how he sent his son to us to murder, to forgive us for being overly curious in the first place.
But I digress (and often).
The point is that Christians wish to claim that god exists even though he is immaterial. And the miracle of faith is to simply “believe” this is not a contradiction, even if they can’t clearly explain why.
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