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The Power of Denial is the Only Miracle of Faith

The only "miracle of faith" that religion actually produces is the power of denial.

Religion allows people to deny that Christianity had anything whatsoever to do with the genocide and savagery perpetrated upon Native Americans and the enslavement of Africans, even though both were done in the exclusive name of Christianity. Only after defending the right to slavery for several centuries did Christians begin to suspect that maybe slavery wasn't quite so moral after all. 

It was not for atheism or science, in other words, that millions upon millions of people were murdered and enslaved for the glory of God and Jesus. Nor were ideas of science or atheism ever enough to ever convince millions of "Christians," during the 20th century alone, to hurl  themselves, again and again, into the "intelligently designed" meat grinder of war after war.

Yet, time and again, the Christian uses their faith to only ever deny that such a thing is true, opting instead to blame such things on people who simply got Christianity wrong, even as they only ever use such horrors as evidence for why people need the "true" Christianity.

But where is this "true" Christianity?

Do they mean the one that started with the savage murder of Christ, which enshrined violence as the necessary vehicle of divine providence? Or the one that convinced people their God required them to feed themselves to lions rather than admit they were only human in their "beliefs"?

Do they mean the one that started as a political power under Constantine, that began spreading Christianity by the sword, and murdering anyone who refused to accept such a religion, in the same way the Sanhedrin sought to torture and murder Christ for His refusal to accept theirs?

Do they mean the Christianity which was professed by St. Augustine, who's vitriolic polemics agaisnt both women and Jews served as the butterfly wings that powered the hurricanes of gendercide (via witch hunts) and genocide (via antisemitic pogroms) that swept across Europe over the centuries that followed?

Do they mean the Christianity that the empires of Europe used everywhere to justify the rape, murder and enslavement of countless millions of people around the world, over the last two thousand years, and all in the civilizing name of Christian colonization?

Do they mean the Christianity that convinced hundreds of millions of people around the world in the 20th century alone, that their God wanted them all to rush off to war and slaughter each other in the name of God and country?

Do they mean the Christianity that  worked diligently for half a century (and perhaps longer) to hide it's pedophiles from its congregations, while the Catholics canonized as a saint one of the very pope's who only helped to facilitate so evil a crime?

Do they mean the Christianity that worked so hard to bring down the Berlin Wall, in November of 1989, even as it had created countless such walls in the human mind and throughout human hearts, by declaring itself to be "infallible" in it's moral pronouncements, which only allowed it to fulfill the lie issued by the serpent in the Garden of Eden, that it alone was "like God, knowing good from evil"? Religion, after all, can only be described as "the knowledge of good and evil."

Do they mean the Christianity that elected the golden calf of Donal Trump in an unashamed support unfettered capitalism, which is murdering every other species on the planet more than a meteor shower while it enslaves more people around the world (in one way or another) than all of the Pharaohs and plantation owners combined?

 Do they mean the Christianity that clings desperately to an understanding of human nature that is as backwards and medieval as its claims that the Earth was the center of the universe, and that only ever punishes those who dare to suggest otherwise as heretics?

Do they mean the Christianity that today allows Christians everywhere to revel in their denial that the gluttony of Capitalism, which runs exclusively on the "profit motive" of greed and that "root of all evil" called "the love of money," is only producing the very same biblical plagues and threatening humanity as a whole with the very same world wide flood of Noah, even as it allows Christians to insulate themselves from having to accept any responsibility for such catastrophes by blaming all of the worlds greatest problems on homosexuals, atheists, Liberals, or Muslims?

Do they mean the Christianity that lead George Bush to try and start Armageddon in Iraq because he was convinced that God wanted him to? Or the same Christianity that lead Ronald Reagan to seek the very same thing?

Do they mean the Christianity that fought for religious freedom in the American revolution, that was then used to enslave Africans and every other nation the America empire could get its hands on? Or the Christianity that convinces people they are "humble" to believe that the entire universe was made especially for them and them alone, and that it is their "humble faith" that gives them the special ability to know the mind of a God; and far better than anyone else in the world?

Do they mean the Christianity that worked so diligently to ensure that people did not have their own copy of the Holy Bible, with Thomas Moore, who even burned people alive who were caught having one,  being deemed a "saint"?

Do they mean the Christianity that has only ever worked to subsidize a class of professional sophists called "priests" and "theologians," who knowingly and intentionally twisted the philosophies of Socrates, Plato and Aristotle only to serve the interests of a spiritual totalitarianism practiced across Europe by the Catholic Church? And it did all of this, even as it likewise passed laws that forbade anyone from challenging its claims of "infallible truth," and murdered and tortured like Christ, all those who spoke up for actual "truth" anyway?

Do they mean the Christianity that necessarily leads countless numbers of people around the world to immediately suppose they must possess a godlike understanding of the universe, and how it all works and why, so that they claim with absolute certainty that anything they cannot explain in any other terms, must therefore be a "miracle," and nothing else? 

The only miracle of faith, however, is how all of these claims, and an infinite number of others, are all collectively dismissed by the Christian as being nothing but an example of human weakness and misunderstanding, either by those who bring them up, or those who were guilty of committing or supporting such evils.

Of course, that the Christian today is likewise only helping to spread this evil all the more, is why the Christian cannot accept responsibility for the "fruits" of the bloody tree they worship, which was planted on Golgotha and watered in blood and suffering.  No wonder it only produces so much of the same in the world, while all those who "drink thy blood and eat thy flesh" like modern day vampire zombies, deny they are in anyway responsible for any of it.

Indeed, to compare the vices practiced by Christianity in defense of the virtues it has preached, is to compare the oceans to a glass of water. And the rigid orthodoxies that such Christians have only ever sought to impose upon the world, and everyone in it (and often with the most draconian of means or mentalities), is like the punishing of every writer that has ever lived for daring to assemble the sacred letters of the alphabet in any order other than the order they had been placed in by God himself.   
No, it is not Christianity that is the tree in the Garden of Eden, nor do Christians care to consider that "by their fruit" the world knows their religion to be the source of every Evil any devil has ever wanted to perform in the world, and all under the sheep skin of a poor humble Shepard.





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