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How O.J. Simpson is God

If one watches the trial of O. J. Simpson, they notice how much it revolved around, not an objective interpretation of the evidence, but pure human emotions and biases, and any number of social, economic, racial, political, and cultural issues.

And in a sense, is that case not very much like the case agaisnt God? 

The atheist is the prosecution, in this sense, accusing the Christian God of having murdered countless numbers of people with famine, plagues, and a notorious worldwide flood. Even worse than that, if we are to accept the Christian claim that the Bible is the word of God, then it is also God's confession for having ordered his "chosen people" in the Old Testament, to commit multiple acts of murder and genocide, over and over again. 

In fact, just consider how God really feels about abortion from the following passages:

And now go, and thou shalt smite Amalec and Hierim and all that belongs to him, and thou shalt not save anything of him alive, but thou shalt utterly destroy him: and thou shalt devote him and all his to [destruction], and thou shalt spare nothing belonging to him; and thou shalt slay both man and woman, and infant and suckling, and calf and sheep, and camel and ass.” (1 Samuel 15:3)

“Samaria shall be utterly destroyed: for she has resisted her God; they shall fall by the sword, and their sucklings shall be dashed against the ground, and their women and child ripped up.” (Hosea 13:16)

“Blessed [shall he be] who shall seize and dash thine infants against the rock.” (Ps. 137:9)

“Behold, I will stir up against you the Medes, who do not regard silver, neither have they need of gold. 18 They shall break the bows of the young men; and they shall have no mercy on your children; nor shall their eyes spare thy children.” (Isaiah 13:17-18)

These and many other examples show how the Old Testament is literally the explicit written orders, issued by God, for repeated acts of murder and genocide. By comparison, there are no such records of Hitler having ever ordered - either explicitly or implicitly - the very same things. 

The Christian, who not only has the burden of proving God exists in the first place (a burden they refuse to overcome), defends their "God" nevertheless, by claiming He is a loving God, despite his many explicit orders to the contrary, written - according to the Christian - in his own hand.  

The Christian, therefore, is the defense team for their as yet unproven God. And like OJ's Dream Team, they defend their "dream" of a perfect God, and a perfect heaven, by orchestrating a circus of spectacle and exhilaration every Sunday across America, and all of it designed to addict their audience to their own dreams, of avoiding death, and living forever with their "God," in a Disneyland in the sky.

No matter how many acts of murder, rape, and genocide, were explicitly ordered by God or committed by God, as attested to so unmistakably in a Bible that Christians claim was written by God, and no matter how many acts of murder, rape, torture, and genocide were done by Christians over the centuries, in the name of their God, the Christian everywhere insists that their God was absolutely and unequivocally innocent of all of it.  

Instead, people like Bishop Barron use one of his "interpretive methods" to turn God's cold blooded acts of murder into a metaphor for "love and justice," the way the devil offered to turn stones into bread for Jesus. And like all those who cheered with joy in the streets when O.J. Simpson was found innocent of the brutal murders of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman, so ecstatic "believers" sing praises joyously to a God who boasts in his holy Bible, to having murdered more human beings than all the serial killers and genocidal maniacs, all the wars and all the plagues, and all the disease, famines, and natural catastrophes, combined.

Nor is it an argument to suggest that less people have been murdered by Christians than atheists, for this is not only untrue, but because even if it were true, it is like members of the Manson Family saying that Charlie is a good guy, because at least he didn't kill as many people as the American government did in Vietnam. It is no argument to say that one serial killer is "better" than another, in other words, simply because of the body count.
And yet - miracle of miracles! - the Christian denies all of this, and goes blithely to their churches every Sunday, convinced as much of their own moral rectitude as they are that that rectitude will one day win them an eternity in heaven, and all those who dared to doubt them or the benevolence of their God, an eternity in hell. 


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