The Christian is found of accusing atheists and humanists of worshiping man, even though it is the Christian who worship man as their true "god." We see this in the fact that Christians everywhere so often crowd into man made temples around the world, and marvel at those great man-made architectures as if they were actually visiting God's house - if God had wanted a house built by human hands, that is.
The Christian gets around the fact that their sacred books are all man made, by claiming it was God who prompted men to write those books in the first place. Ask them how they know it wasn't the devil in disguise who tricked all those men into writing all of those books, and they will look at you as if to say they are quite sure they are smarter than the devil, and that if the devil had ever written a book - it's questionable to them if the devil even knows how to write at all - they would surely have no trouble determining which books they were, and which were written by their God.
But despite all of their theologies, which are merely a rhetorical tower of babel built by men who were vain enough to believe they had gleamed some special insight into the nature of an infinite abstraction, and worshiped by all those who were gullible enough to believe such a thing were possible, what people pray to is simply an idea of human perfection embodied in the form of a man and a woman, Jesus and Mary.
What, after all, does it mean for the theologian to pretend to have some greater insight into the nature of an infinite God? This is like being in awe of a person who has managed to count higher than anyone else in history, as if by doing so they had come the closet to reaching infinity than any man had ever counted before. That the person who lives for a hundred years, and spends every second of every day of that century doing nothing but counting, comes no closer to reaching infinity than the person born yesterday who has never even learned how to count, is never a thought the Christian concerns them self with, since it is the human counting that they are really in awe of, not the infinity that can never be reached.
But if a person wants to thank God, or pray to God, they should lay down in the middle of a giant field on a dark clear night, and marvel at the great canopy we call the sky, "this o'erhanging firmament, this majestical roof fretted with golden fire," as Hamlet put it, for anything else is simply the worship of the coinage of one's brain, and is far and away the greatest act of disrespect a human being can show to a God.
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