Jesus is called "Christ," because he is believed to be enlightened. But is this "enlightenment" something that can simply be handed on, or is it something that one can only find on their own?
The difference between a shaman and a priest, as Alan Watts has pointed out, is that a priest "receives his ordination from his superiors; he receives something from a tradition that is handed down. A shaman doesn't." The shaman receives his "enlightenment" by "going off into the forest by himself."
So when we think about whether Christ was a shaman or a priest, it would take some serious historical revisionism to suggest that a man who fasted in a desert for forty days, who challenged and reinterpreted his own sacred scriptures, and balked as much at the dogmas of his own day as the institutional authorities who declared them, and who was ultimately put to death by those authorities for having done so, was in anyway a "priest."
Indeed, if Jesus were alive today, it is quite clear that he would most likely be excommunicated from Catholicism by priests and pope alike.
This is not to say that there is and never has been no such thing as an "enlightened" priest or pope, of course, with Pope Francis certainly coming close to challenging any such assumption, but only that it is incredibly ironic that so many men should herd themselves into the Catholic religion to become priests, out of a deep heartfelt desire to follow in the footsteps of a man who was executed by the high priests of his own organized religion.
And perhaps most ironic of all, is how so many of those Catholic priests treat anyone who dares to share the same kind of "enlightened" understanding of their Catholic Bible, in exactly the same way the Sanhedrin treated Christ for sharing his "enlightened" understanding of the Torah.
Yes, the Lord truly works in mysterious ways. Thank God I'm an atheist.
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