All of human history has been a war between human knowledge and ignorance, with each side claiming to be the 'true' path to the former and the other to be the repository of the latter. Religion labors to convince humanity that it alone offers "true" knowledge - as much about the meaning of life and our own soul as God and the afterlife - with science being but a serpent selling sublime ignorance clothed as the fruit of knowledge. And it is only through the selling of such ideas, which are always advertised as the only insurance agaisnt roasting alive for all eternity, that power reigns through ignorance that it everywhere declares to be "infallible truth."
In daring to shed our fears and superstitions in the innocent pursuit of our curiosity, religion condemns us as depraved sinners who had offended our Creator's divine decree that we should remain forever his slave, through the exclusive worship and adoration of the triumphant stupidity of faith. Religion, therefore, claims that any conclusions reached by science that differ from its own interpretations about what it means to be a human being, one made wholly in the image and likeness of a "God," are necessarily secular "falsehoods," that may well lead to an eternal damnation all those brazen and ignorant enough to consider such bogus interpretations to be plausible, let alone "true."
That such a "God" is perfect, infinite and eternal, and altogether immaterial, never leads the devout "believer" to notice how impossible it would be, therefore, for a finite, mortal, imperfect and material being such as ourselves to be a comparable derivative of so great a figure, is only one example of how the triumphant stupidity of faith keeps us forever addicted to a deep and abiding love of lies over any honest use of our reason.
And this has always been the nature of power, that it reigns always and everywhere through ignorance that is championed by "true believers" as divine "education," disseminated by one Church or another. Whether Adam & Eve daring to eat from the "tree of knowledge," or whether the student in any given school system dares to challenge the narrative of history presented as gospel by their teachers, much like Christ did, all power depends necessarily on controlling to some degree or other, how and what people think.
The Catholic church has murdered, tortured, and intimidated countless numbers of people over the centuries to maintain the "truth" of the narratives it imposes as "divine" and "infallible," for example, in the exact same way the Sanhedrin murdered Christ for the same reason, Greece murdered Socrates, and Adam & Eve were even banished from the Garden of Eden.
But there is no shortage of Christians who everywhere demand that their "beliefs" are the true "knowledge" of the world, that alone can offer humanity the "true" understanding of human nature and themselves. And even as they claim that we are each born with an eternal soul, one corrupted by ignorance in our pursuit of knowledge, it is the Church's responsibility to guide us like a "good shepherd" into what we must "believe" to be "infallible truth," lest the reaching of any other conclusions imperil our eternal soul.
This, then, is the story of every system of power throughout history, and in each and every case, from Christianity to Communism, such systems have only ever succeeded and done their worst, by first convincing their "true believers" that their claims are always the most moral and "true," even as later generations have always reached the very opposite conclusion. And in the same way this has been the case with every other system of control and power, so too will it one day be the case with Christianity.
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