The Christian will assure you that God can do no evil, even though God murdered everyone on the planet at one point, repeatedly told his "chosen people" to commit numerous acts of genocide in the Old Testament, murdered the sons of the Egyptians during Passover with as much indifference as Herod massacred the innocent children of Bethlehem in his attempt to kill Jesus, sent numerous plagues and famines to torture his "children" that he had arbitrarily decided weren't his "chosen" children, allowed his "only begotten son" to be tortured and killed rather than simply forgiving humanity the same way he "commands" them to, and all of this is done to compensate for his own insecurity and in the name of his own vanity.
But, of course, any christian will deny this, as easily as anyone one of Charles Manson's family members would assure you that "Charlie" is simply misunderstood. In this respect, it is certainly not a coincidence that the followers of "Christ" also call themselves "a family."
But putting all of this aside, as any Christian obediently does, we are still left with a God who is utterly undeserving of any praise at all, if the Christian is right. Why?
Because if God can "do no wrong," than he is like a washing machine that can do nothing but wash. We would not praise a robot that can "do no wrong," even though we may congratulate the maker of the robot.
But if God is simply a robot that is incapable of doing anything wrong, as the Christian who denies everything at the top of this page surely insists (the christian simply blames the victims for all of their suffering), then why should we praise him for his "goodness" when "goodness" is all he can do? Again, this is like praising a computer that never malfunctions, or your car for never breaking down.
Of course, the Christian is quite sure to disagree with this, pointing out that God can do anything, except evil.
So why should a God who can do anything but evil be praised?
The Christian thinks it is because God loves us, even though any parent who loves their children would surely do anything in their power to prevent any evil from befalling that child; unless that parent is God, of course, who can not only do no evil, but apparently can do nothing to stop evil either, lest he run the risk of running that minor infraction of denying free will.
Yes, "free will" is so important to God, in fact, that He is willing to allow any evil whatsoever to prove it. God, in other words, thinks it would be a far, far, greater "evil" for Him to impede in the slightest way on someones "free will," even of that of a Hitler or a Stalin, than any amount of evil that could ever be performed by the likes of Hitler, Stalin, or every serial killer who ever lived. What a pal!
Yeah..what a "great plan" for a God who can do anything. Yes.. pray away, Christians, He'll most likely kill you in the morning anyway.
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