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Showing posts from March, 2020

If Jesus Watched Movies

Jesus is alleged to have said that to even look at a woman with lust in one's heart is to engage in sin. This is in part why Christians tend to obsess about what is sexually proper or improper, and just how much a person may loose their soul for the latter. Jesus never said anything about looking at that same woman with a blood lust, however, which is presumably because He wished for people to revel endlessly in fantasizing about and indeed even watching nonstop all manner of horror films in which that woman is tortured and killed in ever more fiendish and ghoulish ways. Indeed, this is clearly what Jesus would do, and he no doubt provided them with the example of his own death, which He clearly commanded everyone in the world to obsess over at least once a week (which is required to keep one's soul "pure"), to show them what kind of movies he prefers most of all.  
For some, and perhaps for far more than we think or than wish to admit, the "cure" being implemented for the coronavirus is a great deal scarier than the coronavirus itself.
All understanding of truth is determined by a desire to find a "truth" we prefer, and all religions are "intelligently designed" by their creators to cultivate their own brand of truth.
"We must move aggressively and immediately," San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo said at a news conference announcing the order in California for residents to shelter in place. "The time for half measures is over. History will not forgive us for waiting an hour more." It is too bad that we do not think this way about all of the problems the human race is currently facing, and has been facing for decades.
A believer in God cannot demonstrate that they are any different from a schizophrenic. And it’s only people who think they are Napoleon who feel they have a right to tell everybody else how to live.