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How Big Pharma Follows The Example of Religion

It's funny, if not just utterly hypocritical, to hear Christians complaining about how Big Pharma is hooking people everywhere on drugs for a variety of purely bogus mental conditions or mental "diseases" that their advertising departments dreamed up out of thin air, when you consider that institutional Christianity amassed all of its wealth and power by doing the exact same thing for two thousand years. Worse, Christianity, like other religions, murdered anyone who dared to challenge those bogus claims, from Socrates to Christ.

While one sells us the idea that we are sick in our minds, the other sells us the idea that we are sick in our souls, as if the mind is necessarily and altogether different from what we mean by our "soul." 

Of course, the Christian adamantly refuses to ever consider for a single second that they are no different from the Big Pharma in selling the drug of God, and hope, and all to combat the drug of fear that their religions only ever work everywhere to foment. 

And that's because the Christian is conditioned from birth to "believe" devoutly that their own brand of religion is necessarily the exception to the rule, and that anyone who ever dares to suggest otherwise is not only simply persecuting them for their beliefs, but proves those beliefs must therefore be "true." 

In "truth," however, every "religion" man has ever created works in this very same way, whether that religion is political, economic, financial, cultural, theistic, corporate, etc.

Indeed, without question, in the very same way the magisterium of the Catholic Church necessarily teaches children to see Catholicism through rose colored glasses, so Big Pharma works everywhere to  necessarily present the latest studies of their latest "drugs" through rose colored glasses as well. If they presented the reality of their drugs or their past performance, no one would buy the products being sold by either one.

For example, Children are NEVER given the opportunity to read, say, Bertrand Russell, H. L. Mencken or Christopher Hitchens, BEFORE being "taught" (i.e. indoctrinated) into the "belief" that they should devout the rest of their lives to defending; a Catholicism that, up to that point, has only been presented to them as only or mostly a force for "good" in the world.

And this, in the very same way "you have to pick through the French and Italian news media to find out that Bayer is finally writing (tens of millions of Euros) to people who got AIDS because, in the 1980s, the Cutter Biological unit of Bayer ignored federal law to recruit prisoners, intravenous drug users, and high-risk gay men as donors of the blood Cutter then used to make Factor VIII and IX, the clotting product that haemophiliacs need in order to not bleed to death."

 And when Bayer latter made a public statement saying that it "accepts no responsibility" in this case, and "continues to insist it has always acted responsibly and ethically," they are not just trying to save face, they actually mean it.

It's also why Union Carbide doesn't talk about Bhopal, and why Big Pharma doesn't talk about the ten million people who died when they protected their profits by preventing the sale of AIDS meds in Africa.  

How many of those children, for example, become "confirmed" Catholics before ever learning anything about the sexual abuse scandal within the Church, and the subsequent cover up that aided and abetted those crimes for decades? Because if they did, might it suddenly occur to a child of only 14, that the Catholic Church might be the perfect sheep skin for the devil to do his worst? 

Children are "confirmed" as life long Catholics, in other words, long before they ever learn how to think, let alone learn perspectives about Catholicism specifically or Christianity in general, that are not always overwhelmingly favorable, and which only ever present Catholicism as indispensably necessary for avoiding eternal hell.

But children who are so poorly misinformed about Catholicism, and indeed manipulated through fears of eternal hell, can only be "confirmed" as Catholics in the absence of any real "informed consent." Often time, the parents of such children are just as misinformed, if not worse, as the child. And worse, the priests and nuns tasked with teaching those children are often just as misinformed about the world and science in general, which only severely skews their understanding of even how to understand both their God and their own religion, as the children being "Confirmed" as Catholics are misinformed about Catholicism itself. 

Hence, not only is "misinformation" both intentionally and "intelligently designed" by the magisterium of the Catholic Church, but necessarily "confirming" those children before they have any real chance to seriously consider what it is they are actually agreeing to when being "confirmed," appears to be a decision made by the church that was clearly not by accident. 

But then again, what company ever leads by first admitting their sins? But can you imagine what kind of a world this would be if they did, instead of always burying them along with their victims? 


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