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A Shit Ton of Spitalls

The NRA does not give a single rat's ass about anyone's "Rights," whether those found in the 2nd Amendment or in any other. It only cares about selling guns in the exact same way tobacco companies are interested in selling ever more tobacco, not protecting people's lungs.

This is a "capitalist system," after all, which means no one does anything unless it's to turn a profit! The NRA is not some exception to this rule, as if it is the only "association" with purely or mostly altruistic intent.

If that were true, the NRA would not give a single damn if more people bought guns or not. They would be as interested in defending the right to "keep and bare arms," as the NAACP is in protecting the rights of minorities, and NOW - regardless of whether you agree with their position - works to protect the rights of privacy for women.

In fact, if NOW worked the same way that the NRA worked, they'd be arguing that the answer to so many abortions is simply more abortions! They'd also be arguing that the best way to protect agaisnt people loosing their right to an abortion, is that everyone should go out and have one - and preferably more than one!

While I oppose ever giving governments any power at all, which means I support the legalization of pretty much everything, I'm pretty sure the NRA sells the 2nd Amd the very same way religion sells God. In fact, the more a person seems to believe in the power of the latter, the more they tend to think the 2nd Amd makes them like John Wayne or "Wolverines!"

To argue for more guns, however, does nothing to oppose the monster of government that the NRA convinces its members they must always be increasingly frightened by, and  thanks to Snowden, with good reason. Doing so is just playing to that John Wayne "hero" character that every NRA member who buys into such a story believes he is, and chomps at the bit for an opportunity to prove it.

Hell, if  the NRA, is really that afraid of the American government becoming a totalitarian state, why doesn't it look to sell rifles abroad, like to the Taliban or Jihadi's (as the U.S. surely has) and in poor black neighborhoods as well?

For a politically Conservative organization, the NRA is pretty ironic, for it appears to absolutely love "big government" whenever it is buying all kinds of weapons, including rifles, and using them in third world countries - as if it is "anti-patriotic" to be skeptical of the reasons your government, which everyone knows lies to us and that "all politicians are liars," gives for why we went to war somewhere -  but hates that same government at home for fear that it will, one day soon, start doing the same thing to Americans.

Given the U.S. Gov't track record, I can't support anything that ever gives such a gov't more power, which is why I can support a woman's choice to choose as much as anyone's right to own a gun, because for the institutions that survive like a parasite by feeding off of those two rights, the same thing equally drives both. And both, are merely the dominant symptoms of the system we've created, that only works to keep us as distracted and divided as it can.  

If you think about it, our government and corporations are working hand and hand to propagandize us all, all the time; feed us chemicals in everything from clothes to food; diagnosis us with anything to put us on every drug they can cook up and "approve;" privatize our military while militarizing our police and simply ignoring our Constitution; watching everything we do and say over our phones and computers; and locking up more people than even China. And they do this, pretending to hate each other, like Jerry the King Lawler and Andy Kaufman, even though everyone knows that the top positions in both are all connected through revolving doors, and that Republicans and Democrats vote alike 85% of the time, because it is the same Lobbyists who spend lavishly on both.

And agaisnt all of that, the NRA suggests I should get a gun, which is like telling ants who are about to go to war with the human race, that they can only win with a good straw and a shit ton of spitballs. 


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